Chemical Monitoring Activity 9° Plenary Meeting Ghent


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Presentation transcript:

Chemical Monitoring Activity 9° Plenary Meeting Ghent overview Mario Carere, Madalina David, Bernd Gawlik ISS-Italy ,DG Environment EU, Joint Research Center EU

CMA-1 (Exchange of best practices) Guidance on surface water chemical monitoring (Guidance no.19) published on the Europa website at the end of February Budapest field trial results: in progress Sediment/Biota Monitoring Drafting Group meeting organized by JRC has been held in Ispra in January. First draft of the guidance sent the 30th of April.

CMA-2 (Quality assurance and control) It is envisage that from May on, a new activity on preparation of a guidance for QA/QC Directive implementation will start and the outcomes of the final report of EAQC-WISE Project are likely to be used as a basis for this purpose. QA/ QC Directive (legal consultation inside the EU Commission); publication foreseen in june.

Activity CMA-3 (Standardisation) The technical and financial documents are ready and it is expected that the proposal for the new contract will be submitted to DG ENTR In the mandate are also included sampling methods for phytoplankton and fish, guidance on the estimation of algal biovolume

Agenda CMA Ghent-Other Issues Climate change and chemical monitoring Science/Policy interface: NORMAN network Operation in laboratory Compliance issues Link with marine strategy New mandate CMA 2010-2012

Agenda CMA Ghent-Other Issues VISIT TO THE LABORATORY OF THE FLEMISH ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY Afternoon: 6th of May 14-16 pm

Link with WG E: database content Surface water 26 Member States + CH and NO 19 613 stations 5 water body types 545 387 sampling 14 567 816 analysis 1 168 substances Source: GIS layer : Official WFD Districts

Matrices and fractions (14 567 816 analysis)

CMA (2007-2009) Next meeting Plenary CMA meeting Rome (November 2009).