Propaganda Techniques Fill in outline with the RED words
1. Appeal to Fear Placing fear in the voter. If you vote for the other candidate, this terrible thing will happen. Can use words or images. (like transfer, but in a negative way.) Attempt to build support by instilling panic in the population "Democratic groups looking to boost African-American turnout sent out flyers warning that the "only way to prevent another Ferguson is to vote.“
2. Name-calling/Mudslinging/Labeling Words like un-American, radical, flipflop, lunatic tec… Giving a candidate/party a negative label. The aim is to influence the voters to reject the candidate/party without looking at the evidence.
3. Glittering Generality When a candidate uses broad, vague, or impressive words or statements that do not have any real meaning. They try to convince the voters to accept their ideas without revealing the facts. Tries to make the candidate look good and virtuous
4. Bandwagon Attempting to convince the public that everyone else is supporting the candidate, so they should too.
5. Card-stacking Presenting only one side of the facts As governor of this great state, I have increase job opportunities, reduced taxes and decrease the deficit. Vote for me!
6. Transfer Associating the candidate with an image or sound created to evoke a positive feeling The American Flag The Capitol Building
7. Plain Folks A candidate tries to convince voters that he is just an average American who will be sympathetic to the concerns and problems of regular folks.
8. Testimonial Having a prominent, respected, and well-liked person endorse a candidate. “Riding on the coat-tails” of a more popular candidate. Amy Poehler — The “Parks and Recreation” star posted a gif of her and Clinton from her Saturday Night Live days, adding: “Let’s do this. #Hillary2016 @HillaryClinton. Kid Rock — The singer told Fox News’s Megyn Kelly he supports retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, saying, “The guy makes a whole lot of sense to me.””
9. Black and White Presenting only two choices, with the desired selection presented as the only reasonable one to make You're either with us, or against us
10. Ad Hominem Attacking the person instead of the issue
11. Appeal to Authority Citing a prominent figure to support an idea or candidate
What type of propaganda am I # 1 – Will I am
2. Honest Gil
3. What type of propaganda am I – Laughter
4. What type of propaganda am I – Daisy
5. What type of propaganda am I – Lying
6. What type of propaganda am I
7. What type of propaganda am I Trump