Budget Presentation Francis Amara
Region 10 Kindergarten First Day! Seniors Last Day! Children are always the only future the human race has; teach them well! Unknown
Mission of Lewis Mills We believe in the education of the whole person, recognizing that every individual is endowed with six potentials: intellectual, spiritual, social, aesthetic, physical, and emotional. Lewis Mills values and celebrates the diversity of our community because we understand the way in which it increases the richness of the entire educational experience. Lewis Mills is committed to providing all students with experiences which will inspire them to fully develop their individual gifts. Our academic program is designed to prepare our graduates for a college or university education suitable to their needs and demonstrated abilities. It is our goal that all students seek, practice, promote, and enjoy the highest qualities of human existence, which include respect for the power of knowledge, the necessity for altruism, the value of artistic and physical prowess, and the joy found through spiritual peace.
The Class of 2024 All students will be successful, engaged, lifelong learners Students entering Kindergarten in Region 10 this coming fall will graduate from Lewis Mills as the class of 2024. They will have a working life-span of at least 40 years extending to the year 2064, and the potential of at least 20 additional years of life-long learning ahead of them.
Class of 2024 The class of 2024 will will face a world and challenges we cannot begin to imagine, with careers created and eliminated several times over. This estimate of expenses challenges us to provide our youngest of the class of 2024 the same opportunities that we provided to the class of 2011.
Budget Goals for 2011/2012 The following goals have been established for the 2011‐2012 budget: •To provide academic programs during the school day that will meet the needs of each student •To provide extracurricular activities that enhance the educational experience •To provide additional academic opportunities outside of the school day/year that will support the educational experience •To ensure that all state and federal mandates are followed •To support all existing and proposed district/school initiatives •To sustain existing programs that have been proven beneficial and cost effective. For example, the ELL program introduced in 2010 •To ensure an aggressive approach to technological needs •Provide comprehensive staff development
Array of Media and Marketing Strategies Public hearings are vitally important in order for the interested parties in the community to see and hear what the budget looks like, how it will affect them and most importantly why it is necessary to pass this budget. Marketing through the local newspaper and cable T.V. District website will include budgeting information for parents and the community.
Evidence-based Funding and our Tax Dollars The Evidence-based model has components included in the "model” that are based on research or "evidence" that indicates that the specific components, when implemented appropriately, will dramatically improve student performance. We can use this model with the needs of our unique community in mind. Modeled after an elementary school in South Carolina, take a look at what our tax dollars and other funding will look like for our local students. Differentiated Instruction ignites Elementary School Learning. The faculty at Forest Lake Elementary in Columbia, SC. recognizes the benefits of differentiated instruction. Internet Link
Who Are Our Citizens of Region 10? We are a diverse community with an average household income of $65,000, slightly higher than most U.S. cities. We are citizens who value education and who care enough to pass a bond referendum if that is what it takes to meet the students’ needs. Before we present our budget to the public, we must ensure the budget benefits and appeals to all.
What are ways in which we can improve the budget approval process? It will be beneficial to have an active member of the school board on the budget planning committee to more easily have the board understand the reasons for the various budget goals. This way, the board might be more apt to approve the budget as they were active in its creation.
Who do we need to appeal to specifically? Superintendent School Board Additional Administrators Town Mayor Business Leaders Voters and Taxpayers
Major Obstacles Gaining public support by ensuring that equity and Adequacy standards are met. The community has to feel the proposed budget has to connect to the existing vision and mission of Lewis Mills and the overall vision of Region 10.