Technology of World War One critical role in impacting how the war would be fought. 20th Cent. Tech + 19th Cent. Fighting tactics = huge casualties
Technology of World War One - impacted strategy and tactics - Some used in a new way - Others were a response to new tactics, strategies, or technology Machine Guns Artillery Grenades Communications Transportation Tanks & Armor Aircraft Chemical Warfare U-Boats Convoy system Barbed Wire
TRENCH WARFARE Description/Use: Several feet deep with wooden walls larger underground bunkers dug in side for more protection Impact: Many weapons and tactics were created to overcome the defensive nature of trenches
MACHINE GUN Description: Rapid fire weapon (400-800 rounds/minute) typically crewed by several men Use: used against massed infantry Impact: Possibly the most influential weapon of the war Contributed to stalemate affected tactics
Impact: artillery barrage to soften up targets Description/Use: Large caliber weapon capable of direct (gun) or indirect (howitzer) fire - 37 mm – 42 cm Impact: artillery barrage to soften up targets Huge guns to destroy fortresses in Belgium – railway guns Extreme long range attacks
Artillery Paris Gun Typical German Artillery piece
GRENADES Description/Use: small, hand explosive device that was thrown or projected at enemy Old weapon found new use in trench warfare Impact: well-suited for trench warfare response to trench warfare Becomes core of new trench assault strategy sturmtruppen – trench raiders - bombers
Typical German Grenade Grenades Typical German Grenade
AIRCRAFT Description/Use: Single pilot fighter to several men in a bomber Typically armed with machine guns Initially used for observation, later fighters and bombers Impact: Most aerial combat techniques used today are derived from WW1 dog fighting. Fixed wing aircraft most influential 100 mph, monoplane, biplane and tri-plane configurations. Constructed of canvas stretched over wooden frame Initially – most did not think planes were effective for fighting only for observation (impact) Zeppelins and balloons were also used but they were not as effective Interesting to know… Fighter Aces – five kills Evolution: Unarmed observation craft, Then purpose-built fighters, followed later by bombers - U.S. would pioneer large-scale bombing missions late in war New tactics for air support and ground attack – strafing : attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft
Example of mounted machine guns Sopwith Camel Example of mounted machine guns
Fokker Dr1 Triplane Red Baron’s Plane
Bombers Zeppelin
SUBMARINES Description: long sleek underwater boat – extensively used by Germany Used torpedoes (underwater missiles and Use: attack allied shipping (also attacked any neutral countries helping the allies) Impact: Very effective against shipping Use of convoy system, depth charges and hydrophones were a response Germans had two types at the beginning Coastal (smaller, slower submarine with a smaller crew) Patrol (larger overseas ship that was manned by 28 men and contained 4 torpedoes) Use against ocean liners (cruise ships) affected public opinion and caused many people to hate Germans (ultimately caused the U.S. to join the war)
CONVOY SYSTEM Description/Use: Using armed ships to protect unarmed transport ships A tactic not a technology Impact: Fairly effective once employed (late 1917).
TANKS & ARMOR Description/Use: tracked, armored vehicle armed with machine guns and/or cannons. Used to assault trenches, destroy barbed wire obstacles, machine gun nests Impact: somewhat effective depending on use; infantry support, combined arms Mechanical breakdowns, lack of speed become important weapon in WW2
German Tank
Armored Car
Barbed Wire Description/Use: sharp twisted strands of wire – not designed to kill Often used with machine guns and trenches Create barriers while preserving field of fire Control avenues of approach Impact: critical to trench defense Evolution: improved methods of emplacement Entanglements instead of just fences Coiled barb wire used late 20th century
COMMUNICATIONS “Valiant” – cartoon about carrier pigeons during world war 2
Communications Description/Use: New methods include telephones and wireless (radio) Carrier pigeons also used Impact: Would allow for swift communications for better control by command elements Key for Command and Control Used for Artillery Spotting Need for codes and ciphers Runners, carrier pigeons still used throughout war
Chemical Warfare Description/Use: Impact: Chemical gas - incapacitate or kill enemy Mustard, chlorine, and “tear gas” Horrible wounds and death Supposed to be breakthrough weapon to end stalemate Initially just “sprayed” Hard to control Impact: Troops had to wear masks making fighting difficult Masks often ineffective Evolution: Better means of dispersal artillery shells and bombs Although outlawed, chemical weapons still made throughout cold war
Men blinded by gas bombs CHEMICAL WARFARE gas masks for horses Men blinded by gas bombs