210 ÷ 7 = Have a lovely half term holiday. 90 ÷ 16 = 426 ÷ 6 = Willow Class Newsletter 15th February 2019 TT Rock Stars- Please keep practising as often as you can! . Project Work For your homework over half term, I would like you to research about a famous artist or scientist of your choice and be prepared to talk about your chosen person on the Friday after the half term holidays. For those of you who want to, you could put together a biography instead of printing off lots of pictures, I know this must use up a lot of ink! I’m looking forward to seeing who you research about. Have a lovely half term holiday. Could you find the quickest way to work out these calculations? 90 ÷ 16 = 426 ÷ 6 = . 117 ÷4 = SPAG task=- I would like you to investigate the meaning of the following words that all have a prefix or suffix, if you can come up with your own definition and even write some ‘non examples’ like we do with our semantic maps, that you be brilliant. disappointed unusual unexpecting impatient disaster Which one is the odd one out and why? 210 ÷ 7 = Spellings- prepare, stared, through, behind, went (so many of you writing whent), closed, difficult, although, though. The sentences that some of you wrote for your spellings last week are not crucial, it will help you to use the words correctly and it is an excellent idea but I won’t except this as part of your homework. Reading – Please read lots and lots over the holidays and fill your minds with lots of wonderful vocabulary. Don’t forget to write into your reading diary.