Title Names of group members
Citizenship Definition Example of a good citizen
Responsibilities of Citizens Responsibilities in Webster’s Community Responsibility #1 Responsibility #2 Responsibility #3 Responsibility #4 Responsibility #5 Responsibilities in Malibu
Rights of Citizens Define The Bill of Rights List your titles for the Bill of Rights #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
Laws & Rules Citizens Follow Webster Community Rule #1 Rule #2 Rule #3 Rule #4 Rule #5 Malibu Community Law #1 Law #2 Law #3 Law #4 Law #5
Name of Program Description of program- in two sentences sell your program to your audience. Get them excited about your idea. GRAB THE AUDIENCE’S ATTENTION!! You could start with a quote or by asking the audience a question.
What Is Needed List resources and materials needed
How Will Your Program Work? When Where How
Why? Explain how this program will benefit the school community How will this program help us be good citizens?