Jo to start – with a bit about the context Andy to say about the Mulberry Bush – developing the Outreach service Talk about the track record – successful in special and primary Introduce the 2 services Explain a bit about the background of both services and the history of the project. Primary, special track record Refining model/approach for secondary
Permanent Exclusions Jo to do the ‘why’ In Oxfordshire we have decided to look at this issue as we have a high level priority on learners who are vulnerable to underachievement. Our aim this year is to reduce PEX exclusions to the 2016 figure. We also will be working on reducing the number of Fixed term exclusion for SEN support pupils. We (OCC) are doing this by working with other support services to change cultures in schools to move away from a behaviourist approach (rewards / sanctions) to an inclusive approach where all pupils have appropriate provision and support in their home school. The number of permanent exclusions from Oxfordshire schools has almost tripled from 32 in 2013/14 to 91 in 2016/17. The number of pupils excluded from primary schools has doubled in this time and gone up by 3.5 times in secondary schools
Two thirds of permanent exclusions are for pupils with SEN support Jo to talk Data also reflected in fixed term exclusions. There was an increase in fixed term exclusions for pupils who are SEN support in 2016 -2017 Does this mean that needs are not being effectively met for these pupils? How are we ensuring we are meeting need in the classroom? In Oxfordshire - statistically most likely to be boys with SEN in year 7,9, 10 (2017) 12% of the school population in Oxfordshire have SEN support (2016/17) Two thirds of permanent exclusions are for pupils with SEN support
Comprehensive Profile QCA 1 Observation Clinic 1 Clinic2 QCA2 How the project will work. (6 term year model) Simplify… Model focuses on a small number of pupils who are causing a high level of concern Comprehensive profile - really important to pull together and share QCA preliminary assessment Observation – some experience of the pupil, their difficulties Clinic hour long workshop – with all staff who work with the pupil Aim of clinic is to share staff’s experience of working with pupil, strengths and diffs, begin to think about what child may be communicating through their behaviour Out of the process: staff team recognise themes, patterns of behaviour, triggers, links to personal experiences. Formulate consistent approaches to use in their work with the pupil Second clinic for evaluation and reflection (ideally after at least six weeks) QCA re-assessment
Benefits of this approach Improved confidence for teachers when working with children with challenging behaviour/SEMH needs Improved Quality First (inclusive) Teaching Improved well-being of staff Improved engagement in learning of identified children Jo Improved confidence for teachers when working with children with challenging behaviour/SEMH needs – shift in thinking due to increased understanding Improved QF (inclusive) Teaching – information sharing Improved well-being of staff – reduced isolation – increased Improved engagement in learning of identified children – change in the experience (consistency of approach, the way they are spoken to, they feel understood) Change in culture – change in relationships/engaging with the children Small tweaks can make a big difference
Banbury Academy Banbury Academy The Oxford Academy
The Oxford Academy Banbury Academy The Oxford Academy
Jo Hatfield - Oxfordshire School Inclusion team: Contact us: Jo Hatfield - Oxfordshire School Inclusion team: Andy Lole - Mulberry Bush Outreach team: If you’d like to know more or work with us to develop this approach, please contact us on these email addresses