Flow of MUN Debates
Points and Motions Way of communication with the dias (moderators) and delegates when debate is ongoing. Point of Inquiry: To ask questions about general debate Ex: “Point of inquiry directed at the chair..how much time do we have left in this session?” Point of Personal Privilege: To ask about personal needs such as restroom, room temperature, etc. You can also pass notes through the page to countries or the dias (TO:..FROM:.etc.) !!!Get checked so need to be appropriate!!!
Opening Roll Call (Raise placard when country name is called) 2 Ways of Responding: 1. Present (you won’t be voting) 2. Present and voting (you will be voting on resolutions) Motion to open debate Motion to set the speakers list (to debate on which topic will be debated on first) You also set parameters in the motion. EX: “motion to set the speaker’s list with a 2 minute speaking time to discuss which topic will be debated on first”
Note about Parameters and How They are Set There will be multiple parameters proposed by different countries.. EX: “Motion to open the speaker’s list with a 2 min speaking time with 1 question limit for the purpose of..” “Motion to open the speaker’s list with a 1 min speaking time with a limit of 2 questions for the purpose of..” At this time the chair votes.. “All those in favor of 2 min speaking time with..raise your placard” Whichever one gains the majority vote..will be the parameter
Setting A Topic Initially, the countries in the speaker’s list will express their stance on all topics (great time to talk about country policy, future goals for resolutions in your country’s viewpoint, asking countries to send you notes for further discussion, etc.) 1 topic needs to get selected to start actual debate Once speaker’s list is exhausted, the chair will ask for more motions…. -Raise placard for a motion to set a topic. EX: “Motion to set the topic to TOPIC A” If passes with majority vote, that’s the topic If not..2 speakers for and against on why the topic should/shouldn’t be selected (vote at the end to FINALLY set topic)
Formal Debate Debate is initiated by Formal Debate Characteristics: 1. Speaker’s list 2. Yields (when there is extra time left after speaking, a delegate can yield the time to questions, to the chair, or to a specific country) Purpose of Formal Debate: Generally to express country’s initial stance at the beginning of debate, and talk about draft resolutions at the end of debate Speaker’s list goes on until there is a motion to move into moderated/unmoderated caucus
Informal Debate From formal debate you may motion to move to informal debate Informal debate is best used for open discussions on specific topics and for working on draft resolutions There are two types of informal debate: Moderated Caucus Unmoderated Caucus
Moderated and Unmoderated Caucuses When motioning to move into a moderated caucus, time parameters and a topic must be suggested. Delegates are called on by the chair on the spot to speak in the set time frame Unmoderated Caucus - When motioning to move into an unmoderated caucus, a time must be set. Delegates may move freely around the room and discuss with other delegations This is where you’ll be forming blocs and drafting resolutions
What are you doing during these debates? Interacting with fellow delegates during unmod Expressing stance on primary and secondary topics Crafting working papers Proposing potential solutions during speeches Looking for sponsors/ signatories Switching between moderated caucuses and unmods Talking about Similarities/ differences in viewpoints
Resolutions and Amendments Once working papers are approved by the chair, they are draft resolutions Presented during formal debate Amendment procedures start when there are disagreements Series of more moderated and unmoderated caucuses to work on amendments which are finally voted on -> final draft resolutions -> ready 4 voting
Voting Procedure When all draft resolutions are ready and debate is exhausted, you may move into voting procedure. When motioning to move into voting procedure, two speakers will speak for and against the motion. A ⅔ Majority is needed for the motion to pass. During voting procedure, all the entrances and exits are sealed. Roll call will be taken before voting. Delegates will vote on each draft resolution in the order they were presented in Each resolution will pass or fail by simple majority A delegate may vote yes, vote no, or abstain After voting has concluded, a delegate may make a motion to close debate