Reading voices What our mind may say while we are reading...
Reading Voices Readers have different types of voices going on in the heads. By listening to those voices, readers can monitor their comprehension. They can know when they are stuck and how to get unstuck. Which voice is going on in your head while you read?
Reading Voices Reciting Voice (waste of time voice) The voice a reader hears when he is only reciting and not drawing meaning from the text. This voice causes readers to Lose track of what is being read Stray from the text Forget what is read Not care about the reading Turn off the reciting voice by rereading and giving yourself a job or a purpose to read for.
Reading Voices Conversation Voice (useful voice) The voice that has a conversation with the text. It represents the readers thinking as he/she talk back to the text in an interactive way. This voice helps readers to: Relate to the text Make connections between the book and the reader Ask questions Give opinions Talk back to the text Remember what is read
Reading Voices However, this voice can take two forms. Conversation Voice /Form 1 Interactive voice: The voice inside the reader’s head that makes connections, asks questions, identifies confusions, agrees and disagrees with ideas. This voice deepens the reader’s understanding of the text. This voice is necessary for close reading.
Reading Voices Conversation Voice /Form 2 Distracting voice: The voice inside the reader’s head that pulls him away from the meaning of the text. It begins a conversation with the reading but gets distracted by a connection, a question, or a random thought. Soon the reader begins to think about something unrelated to the text. Effectively using the Close Reading strategy will help the reader disengage this voice.
How does a good reader know when he is no longer reading effectively or paying attention to the text? Good question! Ask students:
If one of these things happens as you read, it is time to stop and fix it! The inner voice in your head stops having conversations with the text The camera inside your head shuts off and you can no longer visualize what is happening Your mind wanders away from the text You cannot remember or retell anything you read
If one of these things happens as you read, it is time to stop and fix it! You can’t answer questions or find evidence to support your purpose for reading Characters are reappearing in the text and you cannot recall who they are
Realize when they stop paying attention And when good readers don't understand, they . . . use Fix-Up Strategies Realize when they stop paying attention Reread Change reading rate (speed) Write their questions as they read
Pay attention to pictures and text features Use these features to help them Headings Bold-faced and italicized text Charts, graphs, pictures Chapter summaries
Form pictures in their minds and make inferences Use personal examples of content presented in text Connect to something similar you read or saw before
Draw conclusions: Question Author’s Purpose Determine “why” author is writing passage Think about point of view Think about the intended audience