Term 2 AFE (April 3-27, 2018) Faculty Arranged Opportunities England, with Aurelia Education As of October 31, 2017
England, multiple cities Organized by Aurelia Education www.aureliaeducation.com
Community-Based Placement organization Partnerships with many publically- funded schools across the country Program Flyer England
Teacher candidate placement Multiple school locations available Classroom teaching Ages and subjects open to teacher candidate preferences Aurelia mentor living and teaching in your location Options to visit other UK schools Teacher candidate placement England
Living arrangements Billeting with other Canadian teachers or staff from the school Community get-togethers and gatherings Pre-departure and arrival support England
expenses Teacher Candidate Covers: Aurelia Education Covers: Flight Transportation Food Billeting fee (approx. 80-100 pounds per week, or $130-170 CDN) TOTAL approx. $2000 CDN Placement support Billeting arrangements Pre-departure and arrival support England
Application process Email Lauren@AureliaEducation.com to request an application form Submit application form and resume before December 31 Interviews will be held in January (to find the right fit for you) Once approved by Aurelia Education, must submit AFE Proposal online England