Characteristics of All Students (N=20,822) Fall Census 2016 Race/Ethnicity Percent African American 11.1 Asian 17.0 Filipino 2.8 Hispanic/Latino 31.3 Multi-Race 6.8 Native American 0.5 Other Non-White Pacific Islander 1.3 Unknown 1.1 White 27.8 First Generation College Students: 33.1% Disabled Students: 5.6% Age Percent Under 18 1.6 18-20 28.74 21-24 27.55 25-29 16.84 30-39 13.65 40+ 11.61 Average Age: 26.9 School & Work Recent High School Graduates 8.7% Enrolled Part Time 64.9% Working Full- or Part-time 59.9% Low Income/Below Poverty 62.7% AD 10/17/2016 Starting in Fall 2013, data reflect methodology changes on the application that impact gender and first generation. Notes: Starting in Fall 2013, data reflect methodology changes on the application that impact gender and first generation. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Sacramento City College Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness 5-4 Source: Census Profile