Starring 3 amazing chemical reactions! Abe’s Makeover TEACHER NOTES BELOW Materials Per Group (2 or 3 students): old penny, vinegar (~20 mL, in small cup/beaker), salt (in baggie, labeled; with plastic spoon in baggie), stir stick (popsicle stick), safety glasses, Student Handouts Procedure: Have students examine their dull penny. Talk about how chemical reaction #1 has already occurred-the penny became dull (think of what it looked like the day it was made). Fill in Part I. on the handout as follows: Have students write down the reactants and products for Part I. on their handout as shown on the PowerPoint. Make sure they space their writing as shown, to leave room for what’s next. The red circle that appears first gets your students to notice where the halfway mark on the line is, to help them with spacing. Next, write in plain English what the formula means, as shown on the ppt (“translation”). *Caution- all students must wear safety glasses for the entire lesson since one product today is hydrochloric acid; weak, but still acidic. Other Notes: To see a preview of this lesson on video go to Change any text you like in the ppt. If you don’t want to talk about chemical bonds today, just delete that part- click on it and press the delete button on your keyboard. (some content above removed for preview) Thanks for using this lesson! More meaningful & fun lessons at Starring 3 amazing chemical reactions!
oxygen in the air we breathe Abe’s Makeover Cu O2 CuO A shiny new penny and oxygen in the air we breathe react to produce a dull penny (Translation) O Covalent bonds- share electrons H H CH3COOH H2O (some content above removed for preview) Vinegar and water and
CuO HCl The dull penny and hydrochloric acid react to produce (some content above removed for preview)