Initial Interview
Physical Arrangement Two chairs Avoid table b/w Always sit by the door Door open or closed? QUIET! no cell phone Private Clip board to take notes
Stages Introduction Exploration Closure
Stages: Introduction Wash hands Ask how the client would like to be addressed (Mr/Ms or by first name) Introduce yourself State the definition of Occupational Therapy State purpose of interview (include time frame) Make sure consent is signed
Introduction: Memorize! Good morning Mr. Davis. Would you like for me to call you Mr. Davis or John? My name is Robin Steed. I’m an occupational therapy student from LSUHSC. Occupational therapy is ____. I’d like to talk to you for about 10 minutes about your therapy/work here so that I can learn how to interview people.
Stages: Exploration Open ended questions Keep areas of needed info in mind, not specific questions If appropriate, allow client to see your notes
Stages: Closure Well, it looks like we’re about out of time. We’ve talked about your work and your schedule and the changes you’d like to make. Do you have any questions for me? Thank you for talking with me today. (Shake hands if appropriate.)
Wear LSU Polo Shirts for VOH LSU badge Kakis, no jeans Conservative Loose fitting Athletic shoes ok No sandals