Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Friday 05 October 2018 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
Lothian Pool Party Anyone in Lothian House who would like to come to the Pool Party must sign up by the end of today. Sign up sheets are in the PE Department. Miss Maclaine
S1-S2 Photography Club If interested, please attend a short meeting next Thursday at lunchtime in Mrs Kyle’s room (G302). Mrs Kyle
New York 2020 Meeting Meeting in Miss Steele’s room (F108) on Monday at start of lunchtime for all pupils who have paid their deposit. Miss Steele
Battle of the Bands Tickets are now on sale from the school office. £5 adults, £3 concessions. Miss Mairs
Guess the Bear’s Birthday! Every lunchtime in the dining hall this week. £1 a guess and the chance to win and take him home in time for the October break! Miss Wood
YASS Students A meeting will be held Period 3 on Wednesday 10 October. In the meantime, all students should begin courses. Anyone with questions should speak to Miss Bones. A reminder about the meeting will be issued next week. Miss Bones
Daily Bulletins These messages are posted on our website under News/Daily Bulletins and also posted on Twitter @official_DHS