Grading and Accomodation Guide for Middle School ELLs Susan McDonald SLP Mark Nigolian ELL EDMUNDS MIDDLE SCHOOL (AND CHILE)
The Need Principal initiated “ need for clear guidance to teachers and administrators for grading and accommodation for ELLs at the middle school level.”
The PROCESS SPRING 2008: Mark and Susan Establish the need “(95% of teachers felt they would like more guidelines around assessment, grading, and accommodations for ELLs. Plan the content of the guide Research grading constructs and accommodations in literature and on the Web (districts across the US)
The PROCESS (SUMMER 2009) Susan and Mark: Create grading criteria based on proficiency levels. Augment CAN-DO descriptors to include more information for expectations for students. Create different expectations across content areas. Jim briefly discusses
The Process (FALL 2009) Create teacher CAN-DOs from grade-level CAN DO indicators Revise Grading Guide based on principal’s feedback. Use GLOBAL Classroom to organize information and have a web-based format
Implementation and REVISION Solicit teacher feedback Roll out January 09 at a staff meeting Obtain additional feedback from final two quarters of 2008-09 school year.
Reflection Great principal “support” and faculty interest Challenge to make information concise and user friendly. Implementation requires more staff development than originally planned.
Connection to SMC Students in GSL 547 (Teaching Content) to ESL students evaluated approach and product. Future practicum students will see implementation at EMS