Give today’s work the title: Ethnicity and educational achievement Give 3 examples of how different ethnic groups experience education. Give 2 facts about educational attainment according to ethnicity Name 1 factor inside school that explains the under achievement of some ethnic minorities You have 10 minutes for this task. You must write the questions down. Give today’s work the title: Ethnicity and educational achievement
Ethnicity and educational attainment AO1 To understand that ethnicity impacts educational attainment(D) AO2 To apply understanding of sociological studies into reasons for differential attainment, and school experience according to ethnicity (C) AO3 Evaluate research studies into ethnicity and educational attainment B upwards The exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives. • AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures. • AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures: • in a theoretical context • in a practical context • when handling qualitative data • when handling quantitative data. • AO3: Analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific information, ideas and evidence, including in relation to issues, to: • make judgements and reach conclusions • develop and refine practical design and procedures.
In and out of school factors Look at all the factors that relate to educational attainment and ethnicity. Cut them out Arrange them in two groups. Inside school factors and outside school factors. Check them over with me and then stick them down on two separate pages with the following headings: Inside school factors, outside school factors. Add 3 boxes of your own with scholars, using your reading from last week. Stretch and challenge question: Why would Madood find fault with some of the wording on your printed boxes?
Duel Heritage children face unique problems Last week you asked… Leon Tikly 2005 Duel Heritage children face unique problems Tikly observed that the level of achievement for duel-heritage children is below education and that they are more likely to be excluded from school- especially if they are male. 2) He suggested that the problems might stem from the fact that duel heritage children often live in families with lower incomes, are more likely to come from single parent families and face more racism than other students. 3) He also found that teachers often classified duel heritage children as black and do not consider their unique needs. What about duel heritage children?
Last week you asked… What about Eastern European children? 2014 Dr Antonina Tereshchenko found that..
Applying this to the exam Use your work from today and last week to plan and answer the following question “Assess the significance of factors inside school in explaining the educational achievement of different ethnic minority groups” 20 marks.
Educational attainment varies dramatically according to ethnicity, with some ethnic minority groups performing well above the national average and others significantly below. Sociologists have conducted extensive research into the reasons for this differential achievement and have identified a number of factors within schools that contribute to it such as ethnocentric curriculums and teacher expectations and stereotypes.
Plenary 3 Factors outside school that link to educational attainment amongst ethnic minority students. 2 reasons why duel heritage students may have lower levels of educational attainment. 1 factor as well as ethnicity that is also significant when considering a students attainment.