INTERVIEWS MrS. Mcmurray (IHS 150) MR. FORTUNATO (graphic arts) Erin will Audrey matt MrS. Mclachlan (IHS 57) MR. RICHARDS (210) Gabby Riley James Connor Nik
GO INTRODUCE YOURSELVES! Names, documentary class, set up an interview Have to brainstorm questions, ask a little bit about their classes, where they’re from, how long they’ve been here, any other clubs or activities, etc. Determine time to shoot interview, preferably Weds or Thurs next week Explain what b-roll is & ask when you can shoot
INTERVIEW SHOTS 15 POINTS Shots are composed well / HELLCAT There is depth Shots are straight Multiple angles / shot types are used, without distraction Advanced techniques like rack focus, shallow DOF, not shaky, not all wide Appropriate focus & exposure 15 POINTS
USE of B-ROLL 25 POINTS Interview tied together / enhanced by b-roll B-roll is relevant to what is being discussed Is varied & helps tell story that interviews can’t Shows mastery of exposure / composition / shot types Not all shaky or firehosing 25 POINTS
INTEREST LEVEL Questions are strong / interesting & have good flow Visual interest created through good shot composition and b-roll Choose most interesting / clearest parts of responses OTHER TECHNIQUES USED: Walk & Talks, varied angles, music, text, animation, etc. are used (not distractingly) to increase interest level 25 POINTS
Editing Flow / Intro / Conclusion 2-3 minutes max Simple, yet effective introduction & conclusion to your segment—clincher, attention-getter Questions logically flow from one to the next, order is coherent Editing is tight, with no / few jumpcuts or strange overlaps Sophisticated mix of sitdowns, b-roll, possibly walk and talks and voiceovers Audio adds to video but is not distracting or too loud 35 POINTS