FAIRMODE WG2 – SG4 activity
Outcome of the November 2009 meeting What happened in 2010 up to now Outline Outcome of the November 2009 meeting What happened in 2010 up to now Current situation: Procedure & developments Agenda for SG4
Outcome of the 2009 WG2 meeting Development of a prototype tool for benchmarking models used under the AQD directive Focus on urban agglomeration Open to Lagrangian and Eulerian models, first Prototype flexibility requirements Emission disagragation to allow local scale models contribution (line sources) Open source code Allows multiscale applications - regional first Links to MACC, TFMM, EURODELTA, MEGAPOLI, CITYZEN, AQMEII
Special session at Harmo13 (June) 2010 Review of current methodologies (evaluation tools, inter-comparison projects…) AMET, ENSEMBLE, CityDelta, Eurodelta, BOOT… EPA, AEA, AIR4EU, COST… New approaches (Jolliff, Boylan…) Document “ Procedure for AQ models Benchmarking” sent to SG4 participants (May) Special session at Harmo13 (June) Development of the benchmarking prototype is on-going
Benchmarking procedure: objectives Develop a procedure for the benchmarking of AQ models in order to evaluate their performances. Applications: Assessment & planning Scales: Regional, urban and local Support both model users & model developers in the implementation of the AQD Provide technical/scientific support to policy on the analysis of the quality of model results Identify a common and permanent scale for model evaluation Update the procedure and assess model quality improvement based on periodic joint exercises (= every x years)
Benchmarking procedure: Key elements USER JRC Data Extraction Facility Model results DELTA BENCHMARKING service
Benchmarking procedure: Key elements The BENCHMARKING service: Selection of a core set of statistical indicators and diagrams for a given model application in the frame of the AQD Provide indicative bounds related to model performances (goals & criterias) Organised around different testing levels Production of summary performance reports based on a common model evaluation scale
Benchmarking procedure: Key elements USER JRC Data Extraction Facility Model results DELTA BENCHMARKING service Model performance evaluation reports
Benchmarking procedure: work plan Discussion and consensus on overall methodology (FAIRMODE meeting 09/2010) Development of the DELTA and benchmarking service prototypes (Dec 2010) Testing of the prototypes on existing datasets (2011) Development of the JRC Web facilities (data extraction, links ENSEMBLE-Benchmarking service…) Set-up of a joint exercise for testing of the whole system (2012)
Links to other SGs (station representativeness, emissions…) Points for discussion Discussion and definition of the benchmarking service elements (species, statistics, bounds…) for model performance reporting. Links to other SGs (station representativeness, emissions…) Definition of and participation to the joint activities Practical: organisation & communication
SG4 participants - EoI Person Institute Marco BEDOGNI AMAT (IT) Jana MATEJOVICOVA HMI (SK) Bertrand BESSAGNET INERIS (FR) Anna MIRANDA University of Aveiro (PT) David CARRUTHERS CERC (UK) Dietmar OETTL Government of Styria (AT) Koen DE RIDDER VITO (BE) Christakis PAPADOPOULOS DLI (CY) Dick DERWENT AEA (UK) Guido PIROVANO ERSE (IT) Hilde FAGERLI Met Inst (NO) Peter ROBERTS CONCAWE (BE) Alenka FRITZEL Ministry of Environment (SI) Martijn SCHAAP TNO (NL) Stefano GALMARINI EC-JRC, Ispra Camillo SILIBELLO ARIANET (IT) Emilia GEORGIEVA Alexandros SIRAKOS UOWM (GR) Maria GONCALVES BSC (ES) Philippe THUNIS Pernige GRENNFELT IVL (SE) Keith VINCENT Ari Karppinen FMI (FI) Rahela ZABKAR University of Ljubljana (SI) Fernando MARTIN CIEMAT (ES) John BARTZIS Jose BALDASANO Nicolas MOUSSIOPOULOS AUT (GR) John DOUROS Leonor TARRASON NILU (NO) Bruce DENBY H. BECKSTROEM SMHI (SE) Joanna STRUZEWSKA WOT (PL) Nutthida KITWIROON HERTS (UK) Marcus Hirtl ZAMG(AT) Ruben Beijk RIVM (NL) Joost Wesseling