DNA Review DNA – genetic material Chromosomes – condensed DNA 46 total (23 from each parent ) Gene – parts of DNA, control protein synthesis Smallest Largest Nucleotide, Gene, chromosomes EVERY human body cell (except egg or sperm cell) has 46 chromosomes. 23 from mom and 23 from dad
Types of Cells Somatic – regular cells Gametes – sex cells Skin, muscle, bone 46 chromosomes diploid Gametes – sex cells Eggs and sperm 23 chromosomes haploid
Now we line them up by SIZE and PATTERN
End Result = A Karyotype! What can we learn? # of chromosomes Gender Disorders Haploid/diploid
Pairs of chromosomes are called homologous pairs Each pair carries different versions of same gene (traits!)
Autosome = Chromosomes #1-44 Sex = Chromosomes #45 & 46 Called “sex” b/c they determine gender
Diploid = TWO chromosomes per number (2n) Haploid = ½ of total # of chromosomes (23 in humans); ONE chromosome per number (n)
Haploid or Diploid?
Haploid or Diploid?
Circle ONE Homologous Pair
Label: Sex Chromosomes
What are three factors involved in getting cancer? Agenda for Wednesday April 20th Quiz Karyotypes
Where is DNA located? Agenda For Karyotype notes Karyotype activity
Is this haploid or diploid? Is it male or female? Agenda for Thursday April 21st Karyotype activity Test next Thursday