Visual vocabulary American Revolution
Stamp Act British tax on all paper goods, colonists boycott and this act is repealed
Quartering Act Colonists are forced to house British troops in their homes
Townshend Acts British places tax on glass, lead, paint, and tea for colonists; repealed except tea
Tea Act tax that gave British East India Company a monopoly over tea in the colonies
Intolerable Acts act designed to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party, by closing Boston Harbor
Sons of Liberty secret society that organized protests and sometimes resorted to violence
Propaganda - ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion
Committees of Correspondence – group that wrote about the grievances to protest against the British
Patriots – American colonists who fought for independence from Great Britain during the Revolution
Continental Army – militia created by the Second Continental Congress to defend the American colonies from Great Britain
Second Continental Congress – meeting of colonial delegates that created the Olive Branch Petition and established the Continental Army
Loyalist – colonists that sided with Britain in the American Revolution, Tories
Olive Branch Petition – final request for peace written to King George III asking that Britain protect the colonists’ rights
Common Sense – pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain
Declaration of Independence – document written to declare the colonies free from British rule
Preamble – introduction to the Declaration of Independence