Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Secretary of State for Public Administration Government of the Portuguese Republic European Union Structural Funds
The Operational Programme for Public Administration and the Portuguese Administration Reforms
Portuguese Public Administration Reform. Five main ideas
1st idea - Restructuring the Central Administration of the State Reducing services within Central Administration, manly services providing support functions by the introducing of more “shared services” Developing deconcentration and decentralization Improving strategic and operational planning, auditing and control
2nd idea - Changing the conditions of service and employment in Public Administration for a more motivated Public Service Bringing the conditions of service and employment of public sector more in line with that of the general labour market (career structures and remunerations) Reinforcing employee mobility between public and private sector Reinforcing the performance evaluation of civil servants Reinforcing ethics in Civil Service
3rd idea - Increasing mobility of workers in Public Administration and a new strategy of public employment Giving priority to the recruitment of better qualified human resources/staff Increasing the overall qualification of civil servants Promoting mobility of people between services and departments Reducing the overall number of civil servants
4th idea - Reinforcing management through goals and the evaluation by results Developing the strategic and operational planning, associated with financial programming Introducing an evaluation scheme for public institutions based on results obtained
5th idea - Improving administrative simplification Streamlining administrative procedures and introducing a ‘Simplification Programme’ to reduce red-tape Developing e-Government
Operational Programme for Public Administration New OP of Portuguese CSF, created in December 2004 Results from the recommendation of the Mid Term Evaluation of Portuguese CSF and reflects a new partnership between Portugal and the EU on matters related to administrative capacity One financial instrument for the modernisation of Portuguese Public Administration
Structure of the Programme Priority I - Promoting modernisation and quality Structure of the Programme It aims at providing support to more flexible and efficient organisational models, to cut down red-tape in decision-making processes, as well as networking and inter-agency collaboration, with a view to improving the quality of the services provided Priority II - Training of human resources and taking full advantage of their skills The Programme promotes an objectives/outcomes-based approach and emphasizes the crucial role of training and motivation to bring about the required changes. Training should foster changes in management styles and a new “ethos” amongst civil servants in general, and line managers in particular
POAP co-ordinates its action closely with other OP’s of Portuguese CSF Operational Programme for a Knowledge-Based Society (POSC, Programa Operacional Sociedade do Conhecimento) All the Regional and Sectoral Operational Programmes that have a bearing on central administration
PROMOTING MODERNISATION AND QUALITY IN PORTUGUESE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – 2 main areas To provide support to projects aimed at modernising and streamlining organisational and management models currently in use in Portuguese Public Administration (back-office) Modernising Systems and Procedures (MSP) Improving Service Delivery in Public Administration (ISDPA) To provide support to projects aimed at improving service delivery in Public Administration and promoting user satisfaction (front-office)
(€ 51.500.000 37% of the financial programming 2004/2006) PROMOTING MODERNISATION AND QUALITY IN PORTUGUESE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Review of existing organisational and functional models of departments and agencies (MSP) Re-design critical processes, namely in “back-office” operations, with a view to simplifying the procedures involved (MSP) Networking of departments and agencies in Public Administration to promote information-sharing (MSP) Development of new working methods based on objectives/outcomes (MSP) Goal: 15 projects aimed at modernising and organizational re-engineering (€ 51.500.000 37% of the financial programming 2004/2006) Domains/Areas:
PROMOTING MODERNISATION AND QUALITY IN PORTUGUESE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Evaluating the quality of the services provided by Public Administration departments and agencies, as well as measuring and monitoring users’ satisfaction (ISDPA) Producing studies and providing consultancy, namely in organisational re-engineering and quality-oriented management practices (ISDPA) Disseminating best practices and quality-oriented initiatives in Public Administration (ISDPA) Reviewing and correcting unsatisfactory situations, in order to enhance users’ trust in State institutions and their credibility (ISDPA) Domains/Areas: (continuation)
(€ 85.000.000 61% of the financial programming 2004/2006) TRAINING OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THEIR SKILLS Motivating civil servants to bring about the required changes Closing the perceived gap in qualifications in Public Administration, especially amongst line managers and technical staff Developing and strengthening technical skills and the tools to manage human resources in Public Administration Expanding and re-focusing the policy aimed at providing in-service training practice Matching existing qualifications and skills to perceived needs in different departments and agencies (€ 85.000.000 61% of the financial programming 2004/2006)
TRAINING OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THEIR SKILLS Training of line managers and technical staff, in particular in subjects considered to be of strategic importance for the modernisation of Public Administration Initial training for administrative trainees and for staff to be recruited or recently recruited into the civil service Vocational rehabilitation to adapt staff to new functions and/or promote their mobility Training of trainers that can later impart their knowledge and skills to other civil servants Goal: Training 130.000 civil servants, of whom 32.500 line-managers and technical staff
TRAINING OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THEIR SKILLS 2) Traineeships To provide specific technical support to complex and relevant modernisation projects in Public Administration in areas where shortages of qualified staff were identified To give individuals who have recently completed undergraduate, postgraduate or further education courses, a chance to undergo a period of training practice in real life situations To promote new skills and knowledge in Public Administration, thus contributing to its modernisation Goals: 4.000 traineeships for newly graduates who have recently completed an undergraduate, postgraduate or further education course
TRAINING OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF THEIR SKILLS 3) Studies and Educational Resources Applied research projects that will generate assessments of training needs within Public Administration bodies, forecast future demand for human resources and evaluate training currently being provided Projects aimed at designing technical/educational resources that will contribute to better and more effective training Innovative technology-based projects with a significant multiplying effect and transferable methodologies
Financial Programming 2004-2006 Structural Funds Contribution 75 % National Contribution 25%
Financial Programming 2004-2006
Financial Programming 2004-2006 Structural Funds Contribution 75 % National Contribution 25%
Public Administration and Structural Funds A modern, flexible, and efficient Public Administration is a pre-requisite for any sustainable process of modernisation and social and economic development of any country But qualifying the People is the key-factor for the success of this process. Only well qualified and highly motivated civil servants can deliver better, more efficient and faster services to users, bringing Public Administration and citizens closer together Structural funds, and especially ESF, have had and will continue to have an important role in the process of modernisation of the Public Administration Public Administration and Structural Funds Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Secretary of State for Public Administration Government of the Portuguese Republic European Union Structural Funds