LLW - KS3 Lesson 1 BBC Children in Need 2015
BBC Children in Need
It’s TRUE! Pudsey: True or False? True False Pudsey is named after a town in West Yorkshire. True OR False Ask students to give their answer using true or false cards, mini-whiteboards or simply hands up/down It’s TRUE! Pudsey Bear was named after the home town of the designer who created him.
It’s TRUE! Pudsey: True or False? True False BBC Children in Need only helps children and young people in the UK. True OR False It’s TRUE! BBC Children in Need only funds projects in the UK
It’s TRUE! Pudsey: True or False? True False Since its first major appeal, BBC Children in Need has raised over £770 million! True OR False It’s TRUE! It’s TRUE! Since 1980, BBC Children in Need has raised over £770 million to help disadvantaged children across the UK
It’s FALSE! Pudsey: True or False? True False In the past year, BBC Children in Need has supported 1,300 projects that help children facing disadvantages. True OR False It’s FALSE! It’s FALSE! Last year, BBC Children in Need supported 2,600 projects across the UK
BBC Children in Need: Key Facts BBC Children in Need funds projects that support children and young people across the UK – including in our area Since the first Appeal in 1980, BBC Children in Need has raised over £770 million Ask students to give their answer using true or false cards, mini-whiteboards or simply hands up/down In the past year, BBC Children in Need has supported 2,600 projects helping children and young people who are disadvantaged or facing difficult times
Our school supports BBC children in Need! Find out more about the work of BBC Children in Need Take action to raise money for BBC Children in Need!
What do children and young people need? The charity’s aim is in its name – it helps children and young people in need. But what does ‘need’ mean? What do children and young people need? Emphasise the word ‘need’ – there’s a big difference between things we need and things we want
Needs or wants? protection from violence and abuse education Health care Freedom from discrimination Bicycle Ask students to identify which five things they think they need? Ask them to identify which five things they probably want, but don’t need Discuss any controversial issues – some students might say they have a right to a mobile phone, for example. Others might feel that healthy food is something they want, but don’t actually need. Why should education be a right, when holidays aren’t? A mobile phone Fashionable clothes Shelter Holidays Nutritious food Own bedroom A big house Fast food
How does BBC Children in Need make a difference? (Click image below) Video 2 Introduction to BBC Children in Need. [http://xxxxxxx VIDEO clip address] https://youtu.be/rifa0GrANuI
BBC children in Need’s vision BBC Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. Talk with students about BBC Children in Need’s vision Talk with students about what each of the key words in the vision means What do they think a childhood that is ‘safe’ and ‘secure’ means? In what ways do children and young people need to be able to reach their potential?