The purposes of the law can be summarized as follows: “LA BUONA SCUOLA” Law July 13th, 2015 n. 107 The purposes of the law can be summarized as follows:
Affirmation of the central role of the school in the knowledge society Increased levels of education and skills of the students Contrast to the socio-cultural and territorial inequalities Prevention and recovery of abandonment and of school dropout Construction of a school open Guarantee the right to education, equal opportunities for educational success and continuing education of citizens through the full implementation the autonomy of educational institutions, also in relation to the financial budget.
The innovative element is the adoption of an "Autonomy Staff " The Autonomy Staff is aimed at the realization of the new three-year plan of the training offer through teaching, enhancement, support, organization, planning and coordination activities.
Other significant points of the law are as follows: New curriculum for students with introduction of optional teachings School and work switching Technical colleges Peer and collaborative learning in classroom Electronic badge for professional development of teachers
Again: New skills of the head teacher Assessment of teacher performance Special plan for recruitment of teachers Open data Security and enhancement of school buildings