Patients showing good adherence (%) Patients with heart failure do not always adopt good self-care behaviours 31% of newly discharged patients could not name any symptom of worsening heart failure Confusing or conflicting advice are major reasons why patients do not take medication as prescribed Support from friends, family or the community can promote self-care behaviours in patients Medication adherence Symptom monitoring Smoking cessation Low-salt diet Alcohol cessation Daily weighing Notes There is variation in how much self-care behaviour is actually adopted by patients. This can often be due to lack of education and lack of involvement of patients. Reference Marti CN, Georgiopoulou VV, Giamouzis G et al. Patient-reported selective adherence to heart failure self-care recommendations: a prospective cohort study: the Atlanta Cardiomyopathy Consortium. Congest Heart Fail 2013;19:16–24. Low-fat diet Regular exercise 20 40 60 80 100 Patients showing good adherence (%)