Rules Changes, Clarifications POEs 2018 OHSAA Softball Season
2018 NFHS Rules Change Equipment Inspection no longer required Make inspection if asked by coach Umpires still responsible for enforcing rules Know rules and penalties – likely to come into play Broken equipment – fix or remove – no penalty Illegal equipment – removed (warning/ejection) Illegal bat (non-approved or altered) – Out, play nullified Player and head coach ejected 2018 NFHS Rules Change
2018 NFHS Rules Changes Intentional Walk – may be verbalized Anytime during the At-Bat Called by Coach, Pitcher or Catcher Dead Ball called Batter awarded 1B – other runners advanced if forced Dead Ball – No Other Advancement Permitted 2018 NFHS Rules Changes
Pitching – Step Backwards permitted anytime before the start of the pitch NFHS only rules that did not require non-pivot foot in contact with pitchers plate Previously allowed backward step before hands brought together Backward step can occur anytime before the hands are separated to start the pitch 2018 NFHS Rules Changes
2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis Hit By Pitch Rule – 3 Categories Pitch totally in the batters box No attempt necessary Pitch in area between batters box and strike zone Attempt is necessary Pitch is in the strike zone Attempt is necessary; regardless, dead ball, strike 2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis
2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis Keep Coaches Inside Dugout Applies to all non-playing personnel Watch throughout the game Penalty Warning Bench restriction if persists 2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis
2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis Courtesy Runner Used in Top of 1st Inning If P or C is unable to play her position in the bottom of the 1st inning, Courtesy Runner becomes a charged sub for that player in the top of 1st. Sub and re-entry rules now applied to these players 2018 NFHS Point of Emphasis
2018 NFHS Clarifications Wrist Play Cards Defined as equipment (not uniform) Do not need to be same color for all teammates Solid Color – any color but optic yellow Inserted card not subject to rule Must be worn on wrist (pitcher: non-throwing arm) If judged to be distracting – ask pitcher to adjust 2018 NFHS Clarifications
Prohibition of Tobacco Products expanded to include e-cigarette products Remember – this rule applies to umpires Public laws prohibit smoking on school grounds 2018 NFHS Clarifications
2018 NFHS Clarifications Conferences Occur when time is granted for a coach to confer with batter or runners – offensive conference Occur when time is granted for a coach to confer with a fielder or pitcher - defensive conference No conference is charged with play is suspended unless it prolongs the suspension No conference is charged for pitching change Limits Offense – 1 per half inning Defense – 3 per 7 inning game (1 each extra inning) Must be recorded by umpire 2018 NFHS Clarifications
2018 NFHS Clarifications Use of arm sleeves – 2017 POE Defined sleeves as part of the uniform Subject to restrictions for exposed undergarments Solid color – white, black, gray or school color No cammo Same color for all players 2018 NFHS Clarifications
2018 OHSAA Rules Changes Uniforms and Inclement Weather 2017 – did not adopt the NFHS exception allowing for sweatshirts or jackets to be worn in inclement weather 2018 – jackets, sweatshirts, other inclement weather clothing allowed to be worn over uniform. Inclement weather clothing is not subject to uniform rules No requirement for uniform color No requirement for jersey number to be displayed 2018 OHSAA Rules Changes
2018 OHSAA Rules Changes Jewelry Prohibition Daith Ear Piercing allowed for medical reasons Not considered jewelry Must carry a waiver form from OHSAA 2018 OHSAA Rules Changes
2018 OHSAA POE Use of Noisemakers Prohibited Bans pounding of equipment to make noise Bans noise-making gadgets from being used in the dugout 2018 OHSAA POE
2018 OHSAA POE Safety Base Required – 2017 State Rule If not used, must be reported to the state (play the game) Safety base rules applications Applies when there is a play/potential play on batter-runner Fielder=white base; BR=orange base – errant throw, throw from foul Penalty - Obstruction or Interference All other situations, two bases are considered one base 2018 OHSAA POE
2018 OHSAA POE The Game is over Trailing team bats in the 7th inning Trailing team is down by 10 or more runs and bats in the 5th inning (or any inning thereafter) Trailing team bats in the 5th or any inning thereafter and the game is halted by peril (weather, darkness) The Home team takes the lead in the 7th inning (or any thereafter) The coaches mutually agree to end the game 2018 OHSAA POE
2018 OHSAA POE The Game is a Suspended Game If halted before the completion of 5 innings (4½ Home ahead) If halted with the score tied after the 5th inning After 5 innings, if halted after the Visiting team has tied the game or taken the lead but before the Home team has completed its bat We never take runs off the board or revert to previous inning We never re-start a game Suspended games must be completed – there are no ties 2018 OHSAA POE
2018 OHSAA POE Forfeits and Protests A game not started is No Contest – never a forfeit Once started, a game may be forfeited if one of the teams cannot legally continue to play or refuses to play Team cannot field 8 players Umpire decisions on the field at final—there are no protests Umpires’ responsibility – take your time, consult rule books, get it right 2018 OHSAA POE