PROTECT: What Have We Learned Lesson 1: There can be a Mismatch Between Epicardial Flow (hyperemic) and Myocardial Perfusion (stained muscle) Myocardial Dye Stain (TMPG 1) From Last Injection Before This Injection
Coronary Blood Flow - LV Contractility Mismatch Following Coronary Microembolization control 1.0 y = 0.89x+0.05 r = 0.87 1h 1h Systolic Wall Thickening 4h 0.5 4h 8h 8h microembolization inflow reduction 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Subendocardial Blood Flow Dörge et al., Am J Physiol 279:H2587-H2592 (2000)
Microembolization is Associated with a Flow – LV Function Mismatch Increased Microembolization is Associated with Increased Regional Blood Flow (to a point) and A Simultaneous Reduction in Fractional Shortening i.e. As Flow Improves There is a Reduction in LV Function Hori, Am J Physiol, 1986