Have you ever heard of the word prosperous? What do you think it means? TURN AND TALK!
PROSPEROUS Pronunciation: pros-per-uh-s *adjective* definition: having financial success or good fortune 2
PROSPEROUS Synonyms: Fortunate Flourishing Successful
PROSPEROUS Antonyms: Lacking Unprosperous Destitute poor
prosperous The prosperous leprechaun ran all the way home after he found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 5
prosperous The boy woke up feeling prosperous after he realized the tooth fairy had come.
prosperous The girl did not feel prosperous after she realized she lost her wallet at the mall.
The family lived a prosperous life after they won the lottery.
What will you do to ensure that you live a prosperous life?
What do you think this quote means? Write a quick gist statement. PROSPEROUS What do you think this quote means? Write a quick gist statement.