Human Computer Interface CSCD 487/587 Human Computer Interface Winter 2013 Lecture 1 Course Overview
Contact Information Instructor Carol Taylor 315 CEB Phone: 509-359-6908 E-mail: Office Hours: M, W, F 11 – 12 pm or other times I am in my office
Course Information Course number: Course Web Page CSCD 487/587
Motivation for this Class Human Computer Interaction or HCI Is finally a recognized, legitimate subject area of computer science It has evolved from being a “touchy, feely” reluctantly practiced part of software development to a critical part of successful technical product development There are few products produced that are successful that don't incorporate usability principles and seriously consider the target users in the product design
More Motivation for this Class You are or will be creating products that others will use Ask yourself .. what do you know about designing for people? Do you know how people interact with technology? In general .. and what about certain groups, old vs young people? Do you know how to involve people in the design process and then measure their response to improve the interface?
Motivation for Class Have you, yourself been frustrated with the interface of a product? Have you ever thought … even I could do better?
What you will Learn 1. Cognitive models and strengths and limitations of humans How humans think, make decisions, use reason or not in relation to everyday experiences What humans are or are not capable under different conditions Leads into how errors happen and how interfaces do or do not help when humans need to make critical decisions
What you will Learn 2. Designing different types of interfaces So many more than just GUI Web Touch Shareable Robotic Haptic Wearable Command based
What you will Learn 3. Incorporating Users in the Design Process Data gathering Asking users for input Observing users using products Pilot studies Surveys Data Analysis Quantitative and Qualitative data analysis
What you will Learn 4. User Centered Design Requirements gathering for user centered design What is user centered design Putting users at the core or center of the entire design process Process of conducting user-centered design as contrast to “normal” software engineering procedures
What you will Learn 5. Evaluation of User Interface How to evaluate the interface with users Experiments Field studies Usability testing How to incorporate data into improving design
Class Activities Lectures Exercises Experiments Assignments Project Fun exercises!!! Experiments Assignments Project You decide on a project or I will have one for you to re-design
Conclusions This class will require more participation and self-direction than other classes You will have more opportunity to choose what you want to learn You will have a chance to do experimentation … on people and interfaces which again should be fun! I believe you will gain a great deal from learning more about this topic
The End