NWP Strategy of DWD 2005-2006 after 2006 GF XY DWD Feb-19
2005-2006 Global Forcast system GME Resolution has been enhanced Grid size 40 km Levels: 40 km Multi level soil model Data Assimilation Assimilation of radiances with 1d-Var end of 2005 3d-Var will replace OI end of 2006 Observation space flow dependent structure functions GF XY DWD Feb-19
Layer configuration of the new 7-layer soil model GF XY DWD Feb-19
2005-2006 Local Model Version LME Extension of the model domain (covers Europe, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea) Extension of the forecast range to 3 days Operation will start on 28 September 2005 40 layers Multi layer soil model 1d-Var assimilation of satellite observations (COSMO priority pilot project) use of European wind profilers GF XY DWD Feb-19
LME: LM Europe Model domain of LME Model Configuration Grid spacing: 0.0625° (~ 7 km) 665 x 657 grid points per layer 40 vertical layers Timestep: 40 (72) sec Daily runs at 00, 12, 18 UTC, +78h Boundary Conditions Interpolated GME forecasts with Δ ~ 40 km and 40 layers (hourly) Hydrostatic pressure at lateral boundaries Data Assimilation Nudging analysis scheme Variational soil moisture analysis SST analysis at 00 UTC Snow depth analysis every 6 hrs Model domain of LME GF XY DWD Feb-19
2005-2006 Local Model LMK (“Kürzestfrist” - very short range forecast) Grid size 2.8 km Goal: Simulation of the self organisation of deep convection Goal: Prediction of severe weather on the mesoscale Rapid update cycle 8 forecasts per day 18h forecast time To be interpreted as a lagged average ensemble forecast system GF XY DWD Feb-19
LMK: x = 2.8 km 421 * 461 Gitterpunkte 50 Schichten t = 30 sec. Tges = 18 h GF XY DWD Feb-19
LMK: A new 18-h forecast every three hours 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 (UTC) GF XY DWD Feb-19
2007-2010 Computer resources Extension of factor 10 of the performance in 2008 (request has not been approved by the German Government) Ensemble Prediction System basing on LME and LMK GF XY DWD Feb-19
2007-2010 New unified global and regional forecast model ICON Global model – limited area model Triangular grid Local grid refinement Compressible, conservation properties (mass, energy,...) to be used for weather forecasting and climate modelling joint development with Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology and Universities http://icon.enes.org GF XY DWD Feb-19
ICON with a double nest covering Europe and Central Europe GF XY DWD Feb-19