TEACHING & LEARNING We are learning to: Writing Block Reading Block We are learning to: Examine the use of imagery in poetry Plan, compose and publish a poetic text We are learning to: Visualise Identify imagery Make connections Give detailed descriptions
LI: TO EXAMINE THE USE OF IMAGERY IN POETRY What is the purpose for writing poetry? →Discuss: What is the purpose for writing poetry? (to communicate feelings, make people think, to be creative/ humorous, to describe something).
LI: TO EXAMINE THE USE OF IMAGERY IN POETRY I will put in the box a fifth season and a black sun, a cowboy on a broomstick, and a witch on a white horse. My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel, with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners. Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs. I shall surf in my box on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic, then wash ashore on a yellow beach, the colour of the sun. The Magic Box – Kit Wright I will put in the box the swish of a silk sari on a summer night, fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon, the tip of a tongue touching a tooth. a snowman with a rumbling belly, a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerne, a leaping spark from an electric fish. three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati, the last joke of an ancient uncle, and the first smile of a baby. →Introduce and read the poem The Magic Box by Kit Wright →Discuss the text: What do you like about this poem? Are there any words or phrases that stand out to you? Are there any repeating elements to this text? Why do you think this is? What is the author expressing in this poem? →Identify the use of imagery (alliteration, similes, metaphors) and discuss why these are important to the overall effect of the text
LI: TO PLAN, COMPOSE AND PUBLISH A POETIC TEXT What words or phrases might you add to your box? →Brainstorm words or phrases (using the senses) about what students might put in their box. →Discuss what kind of box they might have → the dream box, the secret box, the adventurous box, the happy box, the mysterious box etc. →Use the structure of the author’s poem as a scaffold to begin drafting what can be found in their box, what it looks like and where the box shall go →Proofread and edit poems ready for publishing →Publish personal ‘The ___ Box’ poems and display. Students include an illustration of what their box would look like.
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Taskboard Monday To visualise Red Picture Quilt (Comprehension) SGI Orange Literature Circle Yellow Independent Reading Green Picture Quilt (Comprehension Blue Chromebook Read Theory/ Seesaw https://readtheory.org/ Comprehension →Making Connections Double Entry Journal for making connections (pg 85 TRCS) → In the text it says…. My connection… Comprehension → Visualising: Picture Quilt (TRCS pg 91) Visual Literacy: examine an image and use the thinking routine See, Think, Wonder to analyse it. Compose a complication that builds tension. Grammar: Brainstorm examples of alliteration, similes and metaphors from the shared text. Compose own examples. Independent Writing → Given an image of Lake Lucerne, use the quick write Describe It (TWB pg 106)
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Taskboard Tuesday To identify imagery Red Grammar Desktops: Read Theory/ Seesaw Orange Independent Reading Yellow Literature Circle Green Chromebooks: Read Theory/ Seesaw Blue Comprehension →Making Connections Double Entry Journal for making connections (pg 85 TRCS) → In the text it says…. My connection… Comprehension → Visualising: Picture Quilt (TRCS pg 91) Visual Literacy: examine an image and use the thinking routine See, Think, Wonder to analyse it. Compose a complication that builds tension. Grammar: Brainstorm examples of alliteration, similes and metaphors from the shared text. Compose own examples. Independent Writing → Given an image of Lake Lucerne, use the quick write Describe It (TWB pg 106) https://readtheory.org/
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Taskboard Thursday To make connections Red SGI Double Entry Journal (Comprehension) Orange Independent Reading Yellow Chromebooks: Read Theory/ Seesaw Green Literature Circle Blue Picture Quilt (Comprehension) https://readtheory.org/ Comprehension →Making Connections Double Entry Journal for making connections (pg 85 TRCS) → In the text it says…. My connection… Comprehension → Visualising: Picture Quilt (TRCS pg 91) Visual Literacy: examine an image and use the thinking routine See, Think, Wonder to analyse it. Compose a complication that builds tension. Grammar: Brainstorm examples of alliteration, similes and metaphors from the shared text. Compose own examples. Independent Writing → Given an image of Lake Lucerne, use the quick write Describe It (TWB pg 106)
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Taskboard Friday To give detailed descriptions Red SGI Independent Writing Orange Chromebooks: Read Theory/ Seesaw Yellow Independent Reading Green Blue Comprehension →Making Connections Double Entry Journal for making connections (pg 85 TRCS) → In the text it says…. My connection… Comprehension → Visualising: Picture Quilt (TRCS pg 91) Visual Literacy: examine an image and use the thinking routine See, Think, Wonder to analyse it. Compose a complication that builds tension. Grammar: Brainstorm examples of alliteration, similes and metaphors from the shared text. Compose own examples. Independent Writing → Given an image of Lake Lucerne, use the quick write Describe It (TWB pg 106) https://readtheory.org/