The Alien and sedition Acts were Signed by A.) Jackson B. Hamilton C.) Adams D.) Jefferson C.) correct answer L F
The controversy where French Diplomats tried To Bribe American Officials A.) correct answer A.) The xyz affair B.) The Embargo C.) The ABC affair D.) FDR. L F
He advocated for the US taking on the States Debts B.) correct answer A.) Washington B.) Hamilton C.) Adams D.) Jefferson L F
The only President to be Elected unanimously A.) correct answer A.) Washington B.) Adams C.) Jefferson D.) Madison L F
Who is considered the father of the Constitution? A.) Washington B.) Adams C.) Madison D.) Jefferson C.) correct answer L F
This plan gave equal representation to All states B.) correct answer A.) Virginia B.) New Jersey C.) Connecticut D.) New York. L F
He was the only President inaugurated In TWO cities A.) Jefferson B.) Adams C.) Madison D.) Washington D.) correct answer L F
He commissioned the Lewis and Clark Expedition To map the Louisiana Territory B.) correct answer A.) Washington B.) Jefferson C.) Adams D.) Monroe L F
During his administration, the Alien and Sedition Acts-designed to suppress political opposition were passed A.) Washington B.) Jefferson C.) Adams D.) Madison C.) correct answer L F
Advisors to the President are called… A.) The Supreme Court B.) The Executive Board C.) The Security Council D.) His Cabinet D.) correct answer L F
the same day as his friend and political rival He died on July 4, 1826, the same day as his friend and political rival Thomas Jefferson. A.) Washington B.) Madison C.) Monroe D) Adams D.) correct answer L F
Washington warned against the evils of political Parties and "tangling alliances" abroad in his B.) correct answer A.) First Inaugural Address B.) Farewell Address C.) State of the Union Address D.) Memoirs L F
The First Secretary of the Treasury Shot by Aaron Burr A.) Thomas Jefferson B.) James Madison C.) Oscar Madison D.) Alexander Hamilton D.) correct answer L F
He was a President, Secretary of State And created the University of Virginia A.) Washington B.) Adams C.) Jefferson D.) Madison C.) correct answer L F
He established two main precedents: a cabinet and the two-term Presidency. A.) correct answer A.) Washington B.) Adams C.) Jefferson D.) Madison L F
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