El Dia De Los Tres Magos By: Consetta Atkins
El Dia De Los Tres Magos Is also known as The Three Kings Day. It is celebrated on January 5th and 6th. This holiday comes from Catholic beliefs and religions
The three kings day… In the Catholic Tradition, the 6th of January is set aside to celebrate the coming of the three magi to offer gifts to the newly born king. According to the Bible, the three kings set off following a star that foretold of the birth of the king of the world.
The meaning and origin… In ancient times there were many who studied the stars to tell of future events. They were known as astrologers and were highly regarded for their skills. When the stars foretold of the birth of a great king there was a set of kings who set off to offer gifts to the king. These Kings came to King Herod and told him that they were going to honor the newly born king. As the record goes, the King Herod was very jealous and wished to destroy Jesus. King Herod told the Magi to go and find the baby Jesus and to return to him and let him know where he might also go and pay tribute to the King. When the magi came to where the child was, no age is stated, they laid before him Frankincense, myrrh and gold.
How is it celebrated? On January the 5th children prepare a box, like the one baby Jesus was in. They line the box with hay, old rags, dry grass or anything that they own. They place it under their bed. On January the 6th the children check their boxes to find three presents. This represents the three presents that the wise men gave baby Jesus.
Further celebration… A cake known as Rosca De Reyes or King Cake is served. King cake is a cake that is used in celebration for Mardi Gras as well as many other holidays throughout the world. Inside the cake is hidden a toy baby Jesus. The child or person who gets the piece of cake with the baby Jesus contained inside is rewarded by becoming the Godparent of the baby Jesus from the Natividad on the day of Calendaria. This Holiday is known to many other Catholics as the Epiphany and is celebrated with a special mass at church.
Where is it celebrated? The three kings day is celebrated in almost all Spanish speaking countries. It is most heavily celebrated in Spain.