An ‘Endless season’ of ropeless fishing trials (June-November 2018) Presented by Marco Flagg, Desert Star Systems LLC, Based on work with Fishing Associations MLA, ACA, GMFA and CWLA Ropeless Fishing Consortium Meeting, November 6 2018, New Bedford, MA
Summary of 2018 ARC-1 Ropeless Sea Trials Five Fishing Associations / Groups & Regions: California Dungeness Crab Working Group Acadian Crabbing Association (ACA) Nova Scotia LFA38 (Atlantic to Fundy) Practical use in LFA34 Coordination of multi-boat operations How to launch a ropeless fishery California First tests of season Learning how to run a pilot project (classes, sea trials, gear safety) Cape Cod Bay Shallow water trawls Short stub rope (whale safety) Single operator boat Gulf of St. Lawrence Bag behavior in high currents Efficient singles hauling in broadcast mode Bay of Fundy Deep water fishing to 117 fathom Fast tidal currents Anchor cages instead of bags Next Session Next Session Next Session Report Pending Presentation Focus
Summary of 2018 ARC-1 Ropeless Sea Trials Overall Statistics 13 Fishing vessels outfitted/involved 63 ARC-1 acoustic releases used/delivered Estimated 90 sea trial days across all boats Estimated 700-1000 deployment & recovery cycles (Estimates based on extrapolation of CWLA observed effort of eight sea trial days per boat, 8-12 deployment & recovery cycles per test day
CWLA Sea Trial Goals: Determine if ropeless fishing is a workable and realistic proposition for fishers in LFA34 Have a tool in the arsenal for their members to continue fishing during closures
How CWLA Went About It Step 1 Fundamentals of system components, operation, servicing were taught & practiced in the class room, dockside and a day at sea with all fishers present
1-2 days of training at sea for each fisher How CWLA Went About It Step 2 1-2 days of training at sea for each fisher
Unsupervised sea days, with each boat & crew operating individually How CWLA Went About It Step 3 Unsupervised sea days, with each boat & crew operating individually (observers sometimes present)
How CWLA Went About It Step 4 Two-day ‘war games’, with all three boats setting and hauling trawls in same area. Captain’s decisions coordinated by Ropeless Fisher app. (observers present)