February 26, 2018- 6:30 p.m. Bond Elementary School’s Cafeteria From NAS Coordinator: Ms. Sha’Rhonda Brown Black History Program 2018 Theme :“African Americans in Times of War.” Everyone is asked to be there by 6:15 pm so that we can get you signed in, etc., and begin the program promptly at 6:30. This year’s national Black History Theme is “African Americans in Times of War”. If you or your child would like to participate, please let me know by Tuesday, February 6th. To date, I have only heard from one family. Please keep the theme in mind when presentations are being planned. We do have a Parent Committee, Ms. Tywana Jones has agreed to be the BH Program chair. Please reach out to Dr. James. February 26, 2018- 6:30 p.m. Bond Elementary School’s Cafeteria
At the beginning of the Black History Program, we will hold a special Achievers/Believers Induction Ceremony for members of the winning BHBB Team who are not already Achievers or Believers. According to the rules of the TACCOE, students participating on the BHBB Team to represent us at the State Competition must be members of the Achievers or Believers Society. Coaches were told this early on in the process. We also need you to be there to welcome them into the Center of Excellence Family. PS. We are also continuing our efforts to create a mass NAS email list. If you know of NAS members who do not receive our emails, please send me an email address for them so they can be added. Thanks. Sha’Rhonda L. Brown Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Leon County Schools 2757 W. Pensacola Street – Tallahassee, FL 32304 850-487-7147 850-487-7141, fax