August 27th 2014, with XMILE additive - REPORT - XMILE Europe B.V. Results of the emission measurements at the MS Catharina January 16th 2013, baseline August 27th 2014, with XMILE additive Quality For a list of the accredited activities (RvA L092) of the SGS Nederland BV Environmental Services Department in Arnhem, The Netherlands, we refer to the last three pages of the Dutch Accredita- tion Council RvA website (http://www.rva.nl/?p=cins0200). Disclaimer Unless agreed otherwise, all assignments are performed on the basis of the most recent version of the SGS Nederland BV General Terms and Conditions of Delivery. A simple request is all that is needed to have these terms and conditions sent to you again. We draw your attention to the limited liability, compensation and authorisation issues stipulated in these terms and conditions. Signatures Project Manager Technical Manager Measurement details Kind of measurement Emission measurements, O2, CO2, CO, NOx, PM Measurement period January 16, 2013 and August 27, 2014 Measuring staff John van Middelkoop and Joop Kleverwal Plant details Location MS Catharina Plant MAK 6Mu451 AK located Tolkamer, the Netherlands Production details E3 Test Cycle Project details General information Company name XMILE Europe B.V. Address Polderdijk 14 Postal code, city 6914 KK Herwen Contact Mr. M. Overbeeke Telephone number (+31) (0) 6 47 57 04 83 Email address marius@XMILE.eu Client reference number SGS reference number EZMO/11/0027-2 SGS Environmental Services P.O. Box 5252 NL-6802 EG Arnhem Tel Fax VAT : (+31) 26 384 4500 : (+31) 26 442 9410 : NL 00 44 0 77 26 B01 R.C. Rotterdam : 24226722 www.nl.sgs.com
Postal address Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Intertek Nederland B.V Office/Laboratory Leerlooierstraat 135 3194 AB Hoogvliet Rt Tel. 010-490 27 02 Postal address P.O.Box 575 3190 AM Hoogvliet Rt Fax 010-472 32 25 Telex 62090 Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Netherlands Laboratory Report No. 16-015864-0-RDAM( 5) Date: Our Ref.: I29438 24-OCT-2016 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015864-0-RDAM( 5) Page 1 Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result R.O.N. ISO 5164 min. 95.0 95.4 M.O.N. ISO 5163 min. 85.0 85.1 Lead EN 237 mg/l max 5.0 <2.5 Manganese EN 16135 max. 2.0 <2.0 Density at 15 oC ISO 12185 kg/m3 720-775 728.9 Sulphur ISO 20846 mg/kg max. 10 5.3 Induction Period at 100 oC ISO 7536 min. min 360 >480 Gum content (Solvent-washed) ISO 6246 mg/100 ml max. 5 <1 Copper Corrosion 3 hrs.at 50 oC ISO 2160 max. 1 1A Appearance Visual Clear and bright Olefins ISO 22854 % v max. 18.0 9.2 Aromatics max. 35.0 24.4 Benzene max. 1.00 0.67 Oxygen content EN 22854 %m max. 2.7 2.41 Oxygenates Methanol Ethanol Isopropyl alcohol Isobutyl alcohol Tert-butyl alcohol Ethers (5 or more C-atoms) Other oxygenates %v max. 3.0 max. 5.0 <0.01 4.65 3.5 <0.1 Sample ID 16-015864-0-RDAM-001-00 Description Submitted sample: Tankstation Roto1 Tank BV, Transvaal 50, 4254 BC Sleeuwijk 18-OCT-2016 Product Gasoline XMILE EURO 95 Seals None Packing Plastic (> 250 ml)
XMILE EURO 9S ( xmile gasoline ) Intertek Nederland B.V Product meets EN 228 Class E1 : 24-OCT-2016 Sample Analysed XMILE EURO 9S ( xmile gasoline ) Meets EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 228 Page 2 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015864-0-RDAM( 5) Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result Vapour Pressure EN 13016-1 kPa 65.0-95.0 84.9 Distillation IBP Evap.at 70 oC Evap.at 100 oc Evap.at 150 oC F.B.P. Residue Loss ISO 3405 oC %v 22.0-50.0 46.0-71.0 min. 75.0 max. 210 max. 2 25.8 42.9 62.9 92.4 179.8 1.0 1.5 Vapour Lock Index EN 228 Max. 1214 1150
Postal address Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Intertek Nederland B.V Office/Laboratory Leerlooierstraat 135 3194 AB Hoogvliet Rt Tel. 010-490 27 02 Postal address P.O.Box 575 3190 AM Hoogvliet Rt Fax 010-472 32 25 Telex 62090 Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Netherlands Laboratory Report No. 16-015865-0-RDAM( 5) Date: Our Ref.: I29438 24-OCT-2016 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015865-0-RDAM( 5) Page 1 Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result Flashpoint ISO 2719 oC Above 55 66.0 Conradson Carbon Residue on 10% v. ISO 10370 % m max. 0.30 <0.10 Water ISO 12937 mg/kg max. 200 60 Ash ISO 6245 max. 0.01 <0.01 Contamination EN 12662 max. 24 <12 Copper Corrosion 3 hrs.at 50 oC ISO 2160 class 1 1A Oxidation Stability EN 12205 g/m3 max. 25 <1 Lubricity ISO12156-1 micrometer max. 460 356 Sulphur ISO 20846 max. 10 7.8 Cloudpoint ASTM D5771 -2.3 Cold Filter Plugging Point EN 116 max. -5 -15 Density at 15 oC ISO 12185 kg/m3 820-845 835.6 Viscosity at 40 oC ISO 3104 mm2/s 2.00 - 4.50 3.107 Cetane Number (DCN) EN 15195 min. 51.0 53.6 Cetane Index ISO 4264 min 46.0 56.3 Distillation Rec. at 250 oC Rec. at 350 oC 95 % v/v rec. at ISO 3405 % v max. 65.0 min. 85.0 24.2 94.1 353.9 Polycyclic Aromatics Hydrocarbons EN 12916 max. 8 2.1 F.A.M.E EN 14078 max. 7.0 5.67 Manganese EN 16576 mg/l max. 2.0 <0.5 Sample ID 16-015865-0-RDAM-001-00 Description Submitted sample: Tankstation iFuel Aleven, Nobelstraat 5, 6902 PH Zevenaar 18-OCT-2016 Product XMILE Diesel Seals None Packing Plastic (> 250 ml)
XMILE DIESEL EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 590 Meets : 24-OCT-2016 Sample Intertek Nederland B.V Product meets EN 590 Class C : 24-OCT-2016 Sample Analysed XMILE DIESEL Meets EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 590 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015865-0-RDAM( 5) Page 2 Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result Conductivity Measuring Temperature ASTM D2624 oC pS/m min. 150 23.0 351
XMILE EURO 9S ( xmile gasoline ) Intertek Nederland B.V Office/Laboratory Leerlooierstraat 135 3194 AB Hoogvliet Rt Tel. 010-490 27 02 Postal address P.O.Box 575 3190 AM Hoogvliet Rt Fax 010-472 32 25 Telex 62090 Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Netherlands Laboratory Report No. 16-015864-0-RDAM( 5) Date: Our Ref.: I29438 24-OCT-2016 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015864-0-RDAM( 5) Page 1 Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result R.O.N. ISO 5164 min. 95.0 95.4 M.O.N. ISO 5163 min. 85.0 85.1 Lead EN 237 mg/l max 5.0 <2.5 Manganese EN 16135 max. 2.0 <2.0 Density at 15 oC ISO 12185 kg/m3 720-775 728.9 Sulphur ISO 20846 mg/kg max. 10 5.3 Induction Period at 100 oC ISO 7536 min. min 360 >480 Gum content (Solvent-washed) ISO 6246 mg/100 ml max. 5 <1 Copper Corrosion 3 hrs.at 50 oC ISO 2160 max. 1 1A Appearance Visual Clear and bright Olefins ISO 22854 % v max. 18.0 9.2 Aromatics max. 35.0 24.4 Benzene max. 1.00 0.67 Oxygen content EN 22854 %m max. 2.7 2.41 Oxygenates Methanol Ethanol Isopropyl alcohol Isobutyl alcohol Tert-butyl alcohol Ethers (5 or more C-atoms) Other oxygenates %v max. 3.0 max. 5.0 <0.01 4.65 3.5 <0.1 Sample ID 16-015864-0-RDAM-001-00 Description Submitted sample: Tankstation Roto1 Tank BV, Transvaal 50, 4254 BC Sleeuwijk 18-OCT-2016 Product Gasoline XMILE EURO 95 Seals None Packing Plastic (> 250 ml) Product meets EN 228 Class E1 : 24-OCT-2016 Sample Analysed XMILE EURO 9S ( xmile gasoline ) Meets EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 228 Vapour Pressure EN 13016-1 kPa 65.0-95.0 84.9 Distillation IBP Evap.at 70 oC Evap.at 100 oc Evap.at 150 oC F.B.P. Residue Loss ISO 3405 oC 22.0-50.0 46.0-71.0 min. 75.0 max. 210 max. 2 25.8 42.9 62.9 92.4 179.8 1.0 1.5 Vapour Lock Index EN 228 Max. 1214 1150
XMILE DIESEL EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 590 Meets Postal address Intertek Nederland B.V Office/Laboratory Leerlooierstraat 135 3194 AB Hoogvliet Rt Tel. 010-490 27 02 Postal address P.O.Box 575 3190 AM Hoogvliet Rt Fax 010-472 32 25 Telex 62090 Xmile Europe B.V. Lichtenhorststraat 17 6942 GS Didam Netherlands Laboratory Report No. 16-015865-0-RDAM( 5) Date: Our Ref.: I29438 24-OCT-2016 of 2 Laboratory Report No. 16-015865-0-RDAM( 5) Page 1 Precision complies with the reference method. The analytical report is issued in the name and for account of the principal who recognizes that this report purely represents the situation at a given moment. The principal commits himself to disclose each time the complete report and not parts of the report. Fax and E-mail copies have no legal force. The report can only be used within the specific context of the order and is only valid for the samples and for the company that gave the order. All relations between Intertek Nederland B.V. and its Principals will be governed by the latest version of the General Conditions of Intertek Nederland B.V., filed of record with the Registry of the District Court at Rotterdam, which will be forwarded free of charge upon first request. Intertek Nederland B.V. explicitly rejects applicability of any general conditions applied by it’s Principals. Test Method Unit Specification Result Flashpoint ISO 2719 oC Above 55 66.0 Conradson Carbon Residue on 10% v. ISO 10370 % m max. 0.30 <0.10 Water ISO 12937 mg/kg max. 200 60 Ash ISO 6245 max. 0.01 <0.01 Contamination EN 12662 max. 24 <12 Copper Corrosion 3 hrs.at 50 oC ISO 2160 class 1 1A Oxidation Stability EN 12205 g/m3 max. 25 <1 Lubricity ISO12156-1 micrometer max. 460 356 Sulphur ISO 20846 max. 10 7.8 Cloudpoint ASTM D5771 -2.3 Cold Filter Plugging Point EN 116 max. -5 -15 Density at 15 oC ISO 12185 kg/m3 820-845 835.6 Viscosity at 40 oC ISO 3104 mm2/s 2.00 - 4.50 3.107 Cetane Number (DCN) EN 15195 min. 51.0 53.6 Cetane Index ISO 4264 min 46.0 56.3 Distillation Rec. at 250 oC Rec. at 350 oC 95 % v/v rec. at ISO 3405 % v % v max. 65.0 min. 85.0 24.2 94.1 353.9 Polycyclic Aromatics Hydrocarbons EN 12916 max. 8 2.1 F.A.M.E EN 14078 max. 7.0 5.67 Manganese EN 16576 mg/l max. 2.0 <0.5 Sample ID 16-015865-0-RDAM-001-00 Description Submitted sample: Tankstation iFuel Aleven, Nobelstraat 5, 6902 PH Zevenaar 18-OCT-2016 Product XMILE Diesel Seals None Packing Plastic (> 250 ml) Product meets EN 590 Class C : 24-OCT-2016 Sample Analysed XMILE DIESEL EUROPEAN STANDARD: EN 590 Meets Conductivity Measuring Temperature ASTM D2624 pS/m min. 150 23.0 351