Important Dates Birthdays Breakfast with Santa/Toys For Tots Sloan 12/1 Charlie 12/3 Lila 12/4 Gabriella 12/5 Will S. 12/6 Ms. Sandra 12/8 Aron 12/11 Sebastian S. 12/12 Landon H. 12/2 Isabella 12/14 Scarlett 12/15 Reagan 12/15 Reese 12/19 Avery H. 12/20 River 12/21 Ms. Allison 12/23 Liam B. 12/24 Anthony 12/29 Tommy 12/30 Kate L. 12/31 Important Dates Dec. 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair Dec. 7 Parents Night Out Dec. 14 Christmas Program Dec. 15 Breakfast with Santa (ToysforTots) Dec. 17 Christmas Hat Day Dec. 18 Christmas Sock Day Dec. 19 Ugly Sweater Day Dec. 20 Christmas Character Day Dec. 21 Polar Express Movie and Christmas PJ’s! Dec. 21 Holiday Parties Dec. 24 Christmas Eve-Close 2PM Dec. 25 Christmas Day-Closed Dec. 31 New Years Eve-Close 2PM Breakfast with Santa/Toys For Tots Come and enjoy Christmas Activities, Breakfast, and of course Santa! Saturday, December 15th 8:00-10:00AM Admission is one new unwrapped toy per child for the Toys For Tots drive!