2 Prejudice
Figure 2.1 Distribution of Reported Hate Crimes in 2008 Source: Department of Justice 2009.
Figure 2.2 Prejudice and Discrimination As sociologist Robert Merton’s formulation shows, prejudice and discrimination are related to each other but are not the same.
Figure 2. 3 What Is the State of Race Relations Figure 2.3 What Is the State of Race Relations? Three Views Note: Answers of “very important problem” or “strongly agree” with statements listed. Based on 1,105 interviews in August–September 2007, with bilingual questioners used as necessary. Source: New America Media 2007, 6, 12, 14, 24, 26.
Figure 2.4 Do We Get Along? Percentage saying groups get along with each other (“Don’t Knows” excluded). Source: T. Smith 2006, 65. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Figure 2.4 Do We Get Along? Percentage saying groups get along with each other (“Don’t Knows” excluded). 1Sample size for American Indians is very small and subject to large sample variance. Source: T. Smith 2006, 65. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Figure 2. 5 Who’s Your Best Friend Figure 2.5 Who’s Your Best Friend? Source: Adapted from Table 1 in Kao and Joyner 2004, 564. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Figure 2.6 Foreign-Born Workers in the United States, by Country About 15 percent of the civilian labor force is foreign-born, with Mexico the largest source. Source: Data for 2004 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in Mosisa 2006, 48.