Job Analysis and Job Descriptions OS352 HRM Fisher Feb. 2, 2005
Agenda Job description exercise Trends in job analysis
Job description exercise Break into small groups (4-5 people each) Discuss job analysis experiences Review task lists, other JA information Using one task list, develop a job description Present job description to the class
Results of group discussions Comments on job analyses Methods used Sources used Issues with task statements What are the important elements of a job description? Were you missing information you needed to develop an adequate job description?
Job specifications The worker-oriented characteristics required for the job Based on work performed in the job What knowledge, skills, abilities, or other competencies are required for a person to do these things? Critical for recruiting Often part of an overall job description
Job Analysis Trends Dejobbing Organization-wide competencies Using person descriptors rather than job descriptors Organization-wide competencies Future-oriented (strategic) job modeling
Discussion Question How can job analysis, job descriptions, and job specifications help an organization uphold it’s legal responsibilities?
For next class Topic: Job design Keep in mind: First exam on February 9 Will briefly review for exam in class on Feb 7