London’s Poverty Profile 2017


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Presentation transcript:

London’s Poverty Profile 2017 Adam Tinson New Policy Institute

London poverty is narrowing but deepening London’s 27% AHC poverty rate down 2% since 2010-11 London’s “deep” AHC poverty rate up 1.5% since 2010-11

Poverty in London is less about worklessness Persistent falls in households with no working adults, but fully working households not quite at pre-recession levels London notable for its mixed households

58% of those in poverty are in working families 1.3 million people in London in in-work poverty in 2015/16 58% of those in poverty are in in-work poverty – up from 44% a decade earlier

Poverty is increasingly about renting Numbers of children in poverty in the PRS over 10 years has trebled, children in social rent also increased For all in poverty, PRS was smallest tenure as recently as 2009/10

Homelessness and the sharper end of the housing crisis 70% of all households in temporary accommodation in England are from London

It matters where you live in London GCSE attainment gap – often considered part of the city’s success story is much larger in some outer boroughs Other dimensions include housing delivery, local social security etc

Concentrations of poverty in London

The nature of disadvantage differs across different areas