40. HAIKU Definition: Japanese verse consisting of three lines and usually seventeen syllables (five in the first line, seven in the second line, and five in the third) Example: 5-An old silent pond... 7-A frog jumps into the pond, 5-splash! Silence again. Memorization Tip: HAIKU has 5 letters / KU rhymes with two. Add two, the next line has 7 syllables. / End back at 5 syllables.
41. HYPERBOLE Definition: figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or to create a comic effect (also called overstatement). Example: “I’ve told you a million times" Memorization Tip: This bowl is SO hyper!!!! Think exaggeration for comic effect.
42. IAMBIC PENTAMETER Definition: lines of poetry that contain five iambs. An iamb is an unstressed and STRESSED sound. Example: Unstressed STRESSED but SOFT! what LIGHT through YON der WIN dow BREAKS. U / U / U / U / U / Memorization Tip: Pent=Pentagon=5 sides=5 iambs.
Language Activity #13 ROOT: —Cog MEANING: think, know EXAMPLE: cognizant : aware, mindful Come up w/ 2 words using the root: 1.______________2._____________ Symbol, synthetic, symbolic, symphony, synthesize, asymmetrical, photosynthesis, sync