What happened? The purpose of this assignment is to discover the positive (+) and negative (-) results of European colonialism of Africa
European Viewpoint Positive + Negative - African Viewpoint Positive + Negative -
Directions European Viewpoint = orange paper African Viewpoint = green paper Cut apart the strips provided Determine where the strips go on the chart Glue the strips down where they belong on the chart
European Positive Colonies provided Europe with strategic military and economic advantages (ex. natural resources, control over trade routes). Europe received minerals and other natural resources from colonies, which fed the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Europe developed trade relationships with Africa. Africans bought European manufactured goods. Europeans had access to a cheap labor source. Africans were cheaper workers. Many Africans were converted to Christianity and “civilized”. European Negative Colonial rule in many places, especially the Congo, was morally wrong. Colonial rule was expensive. Colonies were costly to run. European powers had to fight against rebellions in African colonies.
African Positive Africans educated in Europe came back and helped their countries. European powers somewhat improved transportation routes, communication lines, health facilities, housing, and education. Africans learned about international trade and how to run competitive businesses. African Negative Africans had to fight against colonial powers. Africans lost control over their natural resources (ex. diamonds, gold, rubber). Africans were not properly prepared for independence (ex. lacked education on how to run a government). European settlers seized good land, taking it away from Africans. Europeans divided Africa with no regard to ethnic groups (ex. cultures) and religious groups. Many African leaders were removed from power. Some Africans were forced into hard labor for low wages. The influence of traditional African practices was undermined. African cultures were looked down upon as uncivilized and replaced with European practices.
What do you think? In your opinion, was European colonization of Africa a good (positive) period in African history or a bad (negative) one? Give 2 facts or pieces of evidence to justify your answer.
Do you know the standard? How did European colonialism lead to . . . 1) conflict 2) civil war 3) artificial political boundaries You should use 2 facts per question from the notes or chart to explain your answers. (fights or disagreements between Africans and Europeans) (fighting between Africans in their own country) (European or non-native country borders)