The Challenger “Again Science Fails” By: Cody
The Explosion The space shuttle challenger disaster occurred of the coast of Florida on 1/28/86 @ 11:39 am. It disintegrated 73 seconds into flight. 7 astronauts died in the explosion.
Lift Off and Ascent 6.6 seconds after takeoff the three engines ignited . The gas heated to the extreme temperature of 5000°F. The three space shuttle main engines (SSMEs) were at 100%, which were full capacity.
Problems O-ring failure is to blame for the disaster. The shuttle had vehicle break-up, caused by engineering faults. Delays caused by weather.
Lift-off Problems Leaking gas at lift-off It also had smoke plume (poor visibility) Engine failure happened because the O-ring failed and caused the temperature of the engine to fall below -36°F.
No Explosion??? Many years later, scientist explain that there was no explosion. Crew escape not was ruled as NOT possible Ice did not loosen the shuttle’s engines causing the mishap.