All vocab words
Word of the Day: shun After she said something really mean, Mary’s friends shunned for the rest of the day. Verb – to deliberately and persistently avoid, ignore, or reject Syn: avoid, keep one’s distance
Word of the Day: etiquette If you fail to show proper etiquette at a fancy restaurant, people were think you were raised by wolves. Noun – conventional requirements for social behavior Syn: manners, decorum
Word of the day: hirsute I took my incredibly hirsute dog to the groomer and when I went to pick him up, he was shaved and clean. Adj – hairy or shaggy
Word of the Day: infirm Nowadays we have nursing homes, but in the old days families used to take care of their own elderly and infirm. Adj - not physically or mentally strong, especially through age or illness. Syn: feeble, weak
WOTD: eradicate/ eradication In 1958, with smallpox still killing two million people a year, the World Health Organization pledged to eradicate the disease. Eradicate (verb), Eradication (noun) – to destroy completely. Syn: eliminate, obliterate
Word of the day: inured Raising three dramatic daughters will inure you to temper tantrums. Verb - accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant. To be inured – After years of being yelled at, I am inured to criticism. Syn: harden, toughen
Word of the Day: rudimentary Very few people have even a rudimentary knowledge of how their computer actually works. Adj – basic or simple Syn: fundamental, primary Adj – relating to being immature or undeveloped, usually involving knowledge or skills Syn: primitive, crude, unsophisticated
Word of the Day: Abhor My grandfather always abhorred getting a new, young colleague because he felt they didn’t know anything. Abhor (verb) means to extremely hate or dislike someone or something. Syn: hatred, disgust, repulsion, scorn
Word of the Day: Lycanthropic After being bitten by a huge wolf, Darren feared the lycanthropic curse. Lycanthropic: Adj – the supposed magical transformation of a person into a wolf Syn: werewolf
Word of the Day: Dislocation After spending hours watching a movie about people surviving a blizzard, going outdoors into summer gave me a feeling of dislocation. Noun – the state of being out of place