9/11/2015 spdf Shortcut! Write the spdf electron configuration for Gold (Au). Write the spdf electron configuration for Iodine (I). Write the spdf electron configuration for Uranium (U). Write the spdf electron configuration for Tin (Sn).
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Electron Configuration Review Neils Bohr - Electrons (e-) are in specific orbitals Protons = Electrons 2 electrons in orbit 1, 8 e- in orbit 2, 18 e- in orbit 3
Electron Configuration Electrons have little mass They exhibit particle & wave properties We can determine the position of an e- from the nucleus through 4 Quantum Numbers: 1. Principle Number (Energy of e-) 2. Angular Momentum Number (Shape of Orbital) 3. Magnetic Number (Orientation/Position of Orbital) 4. Spin Number (Spin on e- ; +/-)
Principle Quantum Number (n) Distance from Nucleus Electrons far away have higher values for n Electrons that are closer are more attracted to the nucleus and are more stable As n increases, so does energy & the likelihood that the electron will be lost
Angular Momentum (l) Angular Momentum Describes the shape of the orbital Can be shown by letters & numbers s, p, d, f and up the alphabet
Angular Momentum (l) s orbital spherical in shape p orbital is dumbell in shape
Angular Momentum (l) Another view Max of 2e- in s subshell Max of 6e- in p subshell Max of 10e- in d subshell Max of 14e- in f subshell
Magnetic Number Shows the orientation in space s orbital p orbital
Notation Physicist & Chemists use a standard notation to show the electron configurations of atoms: Hydrogen 1s1 (1 e- in s orbital of the 1st shell) Li 1s2 2s1 (2 e- in 1s subshell & 1 e- in the 2s subshell) P 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 Can you find the # of e- in Phosphorus?
Notation In larger atoms, Noble Gasses are used to help abbreviate the notation Ex: We can change P from 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 to [Ne] 3s2 3p3 We can do this because Neon is 1s2 2s2 2p6 Find the closest Noble Gas & build from there
Aufbau Principle The order for filling atomic orbitals Aufbau (German: to build up or construct) Note the pattern for s, p, d, & f
s, p, d, f & the Periodic table The format of the periodic table relates to electron configuration
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