The Sacrament of Penance If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -1 John 1:9
Sign of the Sacrament Confession of sins to a priest (MATTER) absolution given by the priest (FORM).
Minister Catholic priest… …approved by the bishop (faculties)
Effects Forgiveness of sins Sanctifying grace Stronger relationship with God Removes some punishment for sins Actual grace to avoid sin in the future
Other names Confession Reconciliation Telling of our sins verbally We are reunited to God.
Activities Visit the confessional and do a mock confession as a class to increase comfort with the sacrament. Write common sins on pieces of paper, crumple them up and have them tossed into the trashcan to symbolize the reality of sin being forgiven after confession. Wrap a student in yarn, having others list common sins each time a loop is made around the student. The idea is that sin ensnares us/inhibits freedom. Take each loop off as the sin is “confessed” in a mock confession.
Video How Do I Go to Confession – Video Catechism ( confession/)