Bitwise Foundation in collaboration with Pledges this Ganapati festive season to do their bit towards the environment!
Welcoming Ganesha !! 2
The Aftermath 3
The Clean-up 4
The Impact on Water 5
Do we want this? 6
We urge you to 7
What can you do? Help keep the rivers clean, by ensuring that the items from the celebration do not end up in it. Before the Ganpati Idol is immersed in the SWaCH tank at the ghats, please make sure all the decorations are taken out. This includes thermocol, ornaments, plastic frames, artificial flower garland, ribbons or glittered garlands, and any such decorating items which cannot get dissolved in the water. Segregate compostable material like flowers, nirmalya, mango leaves, etc. and dispose it in nirmalya tank. Food items to be kept separately - Coconuts, sweets, fruits etc. that can be consumed must be given to SWaCH members at the ghats to take away. 8
A tip to immerse the idol at home As recommended by PMC & NCL the Ganapati Idol can be immersed at home using ammonium bicarbonate that would be available at all the PMC ward offices in your areas. Below is the procedure to immerse the POP idol at home :
A tip to immerse the idol at home The base material in the bucket (Calcium Carbonate) can be used for painting or can be disposed off in the Nirmalya tanks at the ghats. For more details : For any further queries feel free to contact BW Foundation.
Thank You