SBSTA Research Dialogue: Perspectives from the United States June 2010, Bonn
Key messages Science is central to the climate challenge, both for understanding and for response Climate science is changing. The new vision and mission for integrated global change research needs to focus on the challenges of sustainability in a global context.
Key messages We need to do a better job of using what we know, and deploy science in support of adaptation and mitigation: National Adaptation Strategy Climate Observing Systems and Services National Climate Assessment Adaptation Research
“understand, assess, predict . . .” The USGCRP Mandate “understand, assess, predict . . .” traditional USGCRP strengths: physical science basis for climate change National Climate Assessment process “. . . and respond . . . to global change” adaptation research and analysis mitigation – technology and analysis science for decision support (climate services) outreach, education, and engagement
Reorganize around scientific-societal issues Scientific basis for understanding climate change and developing informed responses Reorganize around scientific-societal issues Establish a climate observing system Develop next generation coupled Earth system models Strengthen research on adaptation, mitigation, and vulnerability Initiate national assessment process with broad stakeholder participation Coordinate climate services to decision makers Reorganize to facilitate cross-cutting research focused on understnading the interactions among climate, human, and environmental systems and on supporting societal resposnes to climate change Obs-including physical, biological, and social observations Models – to improve attibution and prediction of high-impact regional weather and climate, to initialize seasonal to decadal cliamte forecasting, and to provide predictions of impact affecting adaptive capacities and vulnerabilities of environmental and human systems
A vision of the future: Three coordinated elements Reduce energy demand; improve efficiency; expand use of low and zero carbon sources; carbon capture and sequestration; accelerate retirement of carbon intensive infrastructure; create new technology choices Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Science Flexible, comprehensive, integrated and cross-cutting Comprehensive climate observing system Advanced models and tools Expanded capacity A collaborative national strategy and program, in partnership with state, local and non-governmental partners
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