How to run Automatic RNC Correction
Permit RNC RNC for a Permit is assessed on a quarterly basis to produce the QNCR ICIS–NPDES will assess the Violations for a Permit based on the RNC Detection Code, RNC Detection Date, RNC Resolution Code, and RNC Resolution Date and will assign the automatic Permit RNC Status Flag Every quarter the Permit and its violations are evaluated and given a ranking When a Permit has one or more RNC violations in a quarter, the Permit itself is flagged for that quarter The QNCR quarters are equivalent to fiscal quarters Quarter Months QNCR Generated Date 1 October - December March 15 2 January - March June 15 3 April - June September 15 4 July - September December 15
Prerequisites to using the Automatic RNC Correction function If Data has been updated, such as: Missing DMRs, that caused an non-receipt (D) status, were entered Enforcement Actions were entered and the violations were resolved Other data corrections that would affect the RNC permit status Only then can the permit RNC status can be reassessed by using the Automatic RNC Correction function.
Search for the NPDES Permit you want to correct
Enter in NPDES ID and click Search
Verify that it is the correct Permit and click on the NPDES ID
Under RNC Status, verify the Quarter you want to correct has not been corrected, and click Manage RNC History While the Autocorrection function automatically check for corrected data and apply necessary correction, the Manual Correction function are for manually forcing the status correction without having to check the data. Because of that, the Manual Correction will only get use in very specific cases.
Please read the pop up message and click OK
Check the box for the Quarter you want to correct, then click Run Automatic Corrected RNC. Note: Only one quarter can be selected at a time
Please read the pop up message and click OK Please read the pop up message and click OK. If there are multiple corrections, repeat Slide 9 until all corrections has been made
Once you’ve corrected all necessary RNC, click Done Once you’ve corrected all necessary RNC, click Done. Please note that no changes/update will be made until you click Done
Verify Corrected RNC Status After clicking “Done” in the Manage RNC Status screen, you should see the newly determined RNC Status values in the “Corrected RNC (Automatic)” column for each of the Quarters that were selected. If the RNC status, after being reassessed, did not change as expected, contact your Regional ICIS Contact or ICIS Support.
Mass RNC Correction There is no current functionality for a Mass RNC Correction. We can, however, run a state wide RNC Correction for your state. If you require RNC Correction for your entire state, please contact your Regional ICIS Contact or ICIS Support to make the request.