Welcome to Traffic School Expectations for the 8 Hours of class: Be on time returning from breaks. Tips: If you don’t see the Elements Gallery, click View>Elements Gallery. To see a description of a slide layout in the Elements Gallery, rest the pointer over the layout thumbnail.
Question: When do you start your turn signal?
You must attend the entire course to Expectations: You must attend the entire course to receive credit.
Question: How long is your turn signal on AFTER you have completed your lane change?
Turn off your cell phone, please. Expectations: Turn off your cell phone, please.
Please, ask questions that pertain to this class. Expectations: Please, ask questions that pertain to this class.
Your Instructor: Dr. J. Doctor of Education Taught from Kindergarten through Master’s level. C. D. L.
When making a TURN, into which lane are you required to enter? Question: When making a TURN, into which lane are you required to enter?
Fold cover at perforation mark and tear it off. On the back cover of your Course Guide you’ll find a name tent and evaluation card. Fold cover at perforation mark and tear it off.
Please print your name in large letters. On the back side, please write the names of the 4 most important people in your life.
Question: While cruising, you notice that you have been passing a lot of cars. Do you check your speedometer?