ETS WG, 31 January-2 February 2005 ETS WG mandate and role ETS WG, 31 January-2 February 2005 Agenda Item 10 document 2005-ETS-10.02-EN
Eurostat: Community focal point of the ESS countries Parliament Council etc Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Eurostat Enterprise Regional Research Employment Education International organisations Commission ETS WG 2005
Mandate of the Education and Training Statistics Working Party 1994 Council resolution on E&T statistics: Eurostat and the ETS WP should expedite the necessary development work to ensure supply of quality data which is comparable and as up-to-date as possible, account being taken of the data bases and instruments already in existence and observing the principle of data collection organised on a decentralised basis ETS WG 2005
Current ETS WG mandate Adopted in 2000: Main role for the ETS WG: contribute to the definition and implementation of a strategy on education and training statistics in the European Statistical System (both data development and indicator development). Main role for ETS WG members: establish coordination at the national level and represent of a national position in meetings and written consultations ETS WG 2005
Recent developments 10 new Member States joined the EU while regular working relations with 4 candidate countries and other countries are established => need to adapt ESS working methods. Eurostat and the ESS decided: Reduction of the number of working groups and physical meetings. Main task of the remaining Working Groups: advice/decision on strategic issues related to the implementation of the statistical work programme of the Commission. Minimise number of technical groups involving all 25 Member States Work with task forces Open Method of Coordination and creation of SGIB in the area of education and training ETS WG 2005
Current structure for ETS Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) Education and Training Statistics WG (ETS) Task Forces Expert groups Task Forces Expert groups Task Forces Expert groups Task Forces Expert groups Short time Permanent networks ETS WG 2005
Tasks and functions of the ETS WG Evaluation and opinion co-ordinated at the national level on strategic plans and priorities for education and training statistics Co-ordination at the national level for the collection of statistical information Broad methodological discussions on the basis of the results of detailed methodological discussions in the relevant Task Forces. Support the implementation of the statistical parts of the Community action programmes in the areas of education and training (projects launched by other Commission Directorate-Generals, close co-operation with national representatives in Commission or Council Groups (especially SGIB). Exchange of best practises and know-how. Exchange of information on related user requests and community policies. ETS WG 2005
Main task for ETS WG Members Co-ordination at the national level Compared to 2000 : no change in main task more prominence given to the advisory role of the ETS WG on strategic issues the need for a common national position Therefore it is recommended that: - countries establish a national consultation and co-ordination structure around an “ETS co-ordinator” (focal point). - «the level of representation is appropriate to allow national delegates to present a national position engaging their countries especially with respect to items 1 and 2 mentioned under "Tasks and functions " » ETS WG 2005
The ETS WG is asked to: - adopt its mandate - communicate to Eurostat by 11.02.2005 the name of the « ETS coordinator » who will be included in a mailing list to be contacted whenever written consultation is required on different issues. (The ETS coordinators will be responsible for informing Eurostat of any subsequent changes at the national level.) ETS WG 2005